I have until sumday night to kick off this labor before they do. And I'm willing to do whatever except castor oil, eww tryed it pooped for 3 days straight!
I have until sunday night to kick off this labor before they do. And I'm willing to do whatever except castor oil, eww tryed it pooped for 3 days straight!
Be warned, if you start eatin hot curries, you may see them again in labour! Wen in hospital waiting for kick off with my first (at 13days over!) They just got me moving constantly! eventually got started naturally! I tried every old wives tale going... went through 4 fresh pineapples!! Hope you get started soon x
With my second daughter I spent an hour in a park on the swings and slide and roundabout and that night I went into labour x good luck. They also say a glass of champagne x x
I agree with kerridee:) sex helped me go in labor with my 2nd. I was dilated but no active labor n I had sex 3 nights n a row n went in labor the next day. But on another note I still had to be induced.