amnio in 2 weeks

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Having an amnio in two weeks to tell us whether the baby has downs or not. I'm nervous but not too nervous about the results but am nervous about my baby being affected by the test itself and having a miscarriage.. would love to hear some feedback from others who have experienced this


  • edited May 2011
    I had an amnio by choice (no screening tests) because my doctor said that his wife had it done and because I'm 33. I was super scared but it wasn't bad at all. It hurt as much as a blood draw and lasted about 1 minute. No cramping or anything afterwards. The chances of miscarriage are actually less than 1%. Don't worry yourself about it too much.
  • Thanks so much. I hate that my odds for downs went from 1/400 to 1/140, I'm 35 and have two healthy kids ages 9 and 7. This is just scary
  • You're welcome and hope everything goes well :)
  • Good Luck. Most of the time its just a false alarm hopefully thats ur case.
  • The amnio I procedure is a piece of cake. It's quick and you barely feel a thing. I just felt a crampy feeling when the needle hit my uterus, not painful just weird, and that was it. Good luck! :)
  • Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond
  • I had it done in March. It didn't hurt at all. It was over so fast and you could see everything on the screen. Very cool. I had slight cramping afterward but that was it. The hardest part was resting for 24hrs. I also have 2 boys (6&5). Good Luck and don't stress it.
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