C section mothers please help



  • @blessedmom_2x my first I panicked and asked what if I pee myself? Lol the nurse said you'll still feel your bladder getting full
  • I'm freaking terrified about everything. This is so far from what I wanted and I'm self conscious I know ppl say you won't care but I totally do and feel violated and will prob end up taking the catheter out myself. I just don't know if I will be a good mom and I rly want that first couple moments...its sad its been stolen away from me. I know I'm not the only one who has to go through this but I hate the way things are done and it is just surgical...im not even giving birth to my son I'm just having a surgical removal of a baby. Might as well be put under I guess.
  • I've never had a c-section but from what im told, you are unable to hold the baby until after baby is cleaned and the testing is don't and you are ready for recovery. Don't think that you should just be put under though hun. You will miss that first cry! You don't want to miss that hun. If you have someone in the room with you during your c-section, they can hold baby and let you look and touch him/her as much as you want until they need to take baby to the nursery. Please don't think of the bad, think of the good! You get to meet your beautiful baby, you are going to be a mommy, you will get to see who you have been carrying all this time! Stay positive hun. Good luck and congrats!!
  • They don't allow u to be put under..only time ive heard of that is after baby's born or extreme emergency. N I was so numb both times even if my arms weren't strapped down I couldn't hold my baby...I never saw them but maybe 1minute..my last I saw 13hours later. Good luck
  • @rachelmt21 I feel you on wanting to bond and feed your baby right after. I an fighting to not have to have a csection. With my son it was emergency and I didn't see him til 7 hrs later, didn't touch hin for even longer. He was 29 wks tho, but I have same fears
  • Thos will be my third c section both.other times they brought my boys over to me so i could look at them not touch as your arms are strapped down...then they take the baby away to be cleaned weighed ect you get sowen up bobs your uncle its all good but you wont be able to do this skin to skin thing thats just the way it is but you r able to ask if your curtain can be taken down so u can see baby taken out of you depeanding on the doc some will let u. You r able to ask for certain things through your c section to be done but it comes down to the doc u got if he will or will not let u good luck

    p.s.s the c section it self is not that bad trust me you will want to keep the cathater in. Oh and depeanding on your docter they will let you be put straight under if u dont think u can handle being awake. My last docter and this docter will put u under
  • I understand your fear and frustration about not being able to hold your baby immediately. There's nothing wrong with that being so important to you! I had an emergency c and just wanted to offer a little reassurance that you can still bond just as well, even if you don't get that immediate contact. I know it's really difficult when we lose control of something so important, but since I know your baby's health and your own are most important, it's something you probably have to give up. I met my son 3 hours after he was born - I never would have imagined that - but we bonded the instant I saw his beautiful face. Good luck, sweetie, and go easy on yourself.
  • I had a c section on april 28th after 20hrss of labor and not dilating.. After they got him out all I got to do at first was look st him from the bed while the nurses checked him out. after they stitched me up they let me hold him for a minute after they had wrapped him up. but then unfortunatly cuz he was 4 weeks early he had to be taken to NICU. It is very frustrating but just holding him for that minute was amazing. Good luck!
  • I had 1 c section with my daughter I was scared outta my mind I never had surgery before but for safety and health I sucked it up when u hear that cry everything else seems less important
  • No they can't do that because the baby is Csection the fluids don't get sucked out properly and the baby needs to baby check out right away. And yes its not sterile remember youre still cut open the blue cloth isn't covering you but just acts as a drap so you can't see be what if the baby has to pee right away and it goes right in to you I mean its just not particle with a Csection. Once you're in recovery and the get to hold your baby that's all that will matter to you. remember during a Csection its a surgery the most important thing is the safety of you and you baby. Oh I did have an emergency Csection with my son last year, it was not expected and not my birth plan but I just wanted what was best for my son. And now ill have to do it again with this baby in October. But good luck I wish you the best!!
  • I have had 3 c_sections and will have one with this baby too. My 1st one was after 3 days of labor and 3.5 hours of pushing. Had epidural. Having been in labor so long my daughter had had a bowel movement and was taken to nicu...they gave me stadol(Sp) which they give to surgery patients and I lost track of how long it was before I held my baby. Did see her right after birth. With our 2nd daughter we had it scheduled and part of the plan was no stadol...I wanted to be totally aware of what was going on and see my baby ASAP. Well 3.5 weeks before scheduled c-section I went into labor...caused by an infection. I was running a fever so I had to be put under. I cried so hard it made my doctor cry. I thought for sure my baby wouldn't know me. When she was born she had a fever and since I was sick she was taken to the nicu. I don't know how long it was before I saw her but she took to breastfeeding with no problem. We were set to go home 3 days later when I spiked a fever and got re-admitted to hospital and baby was taken back to nicu where her heart started beating over 265 bpm...she was one sick baby who stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks...we were still able to bond even though we were on a cuddle schedule. Baby #3... our son. Scheduled c-section with a spinal...everything went according to plan. I saw and kissed him immediately after birth and was back in a room within 30 minutes NURSING my son. It was amazing!
    I am not telling you this to scare you...I just don't want you to be so down about having to have a c-section. It does not matter what kind of delivery you plan...sometimes things don't work out even in a vaginal delivery. What does matter is that you come to accept the fact That having a c-section is safest this time for you and baby. You have to get yourself to a healthy mental spot...babies are a ton of work. You are going to have to be strong. You will be able to see your baby sooner the stronger you are. I will be praying for you and can't wait to hear how everything goes.
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