any suggestions??

I had an early period last month. It came four days early and it was pink and brown it only lasted for one day and I saw light pink and brown blood only when I wiped the next morning. After that morning there wasn't anything and when it was time for my period there was nothing. I've been having this crampy feeling since the day I was bleeding. My boobs have been killing me and so has my lower back. I've been getting sick and throwing up for the past two weeks but my test were negative. Any suggestions and feed back will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and sorry so long.


  • You sound prego to me! Id go get your blood taken at the doc this week so its accurate! & if the test says negative, which I doubt, they can tell you or help you with how you feel. I just think you're prego (:
  • Your bleeding sounds liike implantation bleeding. And your symptoms sound like pregnant symptoms the best way to know for sure is go to your doctor and get a blood test to see if you are or arent
  • I agree with these 2 ladies. Good luck
  • Thank you ladies:) I will call my doctor and make me an appointment today.
  • Good luck!!
  • I was wondering if any one of you ladies ever seen little black dots when you stand up and even if you are sitting down. I've been having headaches for about 4 wks now. I've also been having hot flashes like the ones u get when u have the flu. I had the exact same thing when the bleeding started. My breast are very sensitive to the touch. I know you ladies aren't doctors but you all are the only ones I can talk to right now.
  • I've been having headaches, a little caffeine or some tylenol (or both) should help :) I also get hot fast (hot flashes?), which is weird bc I find that I'm colder than usual most of the time. Hope this helps a little
  • You might ask you dr when you go in. It happens because of a change in blood pressure. Usually normal, happens to me all the time, but your dr should know about ALL your symptoms.
  • Sounds like blood pressure. I got that because mine has always been low, when I'm pregnant its even lower. It gets so bad that if I get too hot, stand too long or stand too fast I get blurry vision, spots, flushed, dizzy, feel like I'm going to black out. Check with your doctor!
  • I agree with the ladies I get the same good luck keep us updated please.....
  • edited February 2011
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  • Thanks for your help/answers ladies it really helps me feel better. I have an appointment for Wednesday and my next af is suppose to come on Monday but I'm not feeling how I usually feel when I'm about to come on so I guess only time will tell.
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