jizz like discharge...tmi advice plz

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Im 13 weeks went pee and had discharge come out into the tolet that was like spermies coming out after sex... looked lil it too. I know discharge increases while prego but that was nuts! Not bloody or anything just thick and a lot of it... like a large load... been 2 days sense I've had sex. Was that too much? Should I b worried? Been trying to call clinic no one is answering


  • Hahahah ew. Sorry, this made me gigglw (: and u could have a yeast infection.
  • Hmm... never had one b4.. lol I think its kinda funny too. Got to love how I discribe things :p
  • Oh wow....yeah/discharge does increase and as long as it doesnot have blood smell or ne thing I say u should b good.
  • i would think you should be good as long as it doesnt have a strange smell..
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