


  • I have a strange feeling its a girl! Im 10 weeks and its been pretty smooth sailin!
  • I'm 10wks and am almost positive its a boy
  • I'm almost 6 weeks and I for some reason think it's gonna be a girl. Were not gonna find out the sex of the baby so my gut feelings about all I have to go on lol
  • Im 8 wks along and I hope its a girl...
  • 14 wks I believe its a girl!
  • Ill find out in 16 days cant wait
  • Its a boy! Which is great because I have two girls already
  • I'm really hopeing for a boy, I'm only about 7 weeks. But I really want a boy, his name would be Wyatt Alexzander.
  • Boy. Even tho i don't know yet i still know its a lil boy. X
  • Anyone try cabbage gender test
  • really hopin its a girl. we both want a girl. (:
  • We really want a girl too....already have two boys
  • Seven weeks with my first I really hope its a boy to many women in our family we need a lil king lol.
  • I felt the whole time I was having a girl but didn't.want to get my hopes up as is had 2 boys which I wanted and I found out last week it is a.girl YAY! I'm so spoiled
  • I hope I have ur luck
  • Im 6 wks and my first I think its a girl
  • I have 4 year old twin boys, I wasnt sick with them or this one. I did have major food aversions with them in the beginning though. The big difference is with this one I feel more tired and, as weird as it sounds, I feel ugly. It seems like with my boys I was glowy and just fresh feeling all the time, not do much this time :( so I'm thinking/hoping it's a girl.
  • Im haven a girl on feb 11th i already got a lil boy
  • Im having my first baby!! I so badly want a little girl!
  • I'm only 5 weeks with my 2nd baby. I want a girl but will be happy as long as the bay is healthy. My son had to have open heart surgery, so all I really care about is him or her being healthy!!!
  • I go tomorrow to se what I'm having!
  • I hope for a boy. I have two beautiful girls already.
  • Doesn't matter to me as long as I go full term.
  • My first pregnancy and I want a healthy boy. I have three nieces and they are a lot of work.. lol
  • with my first one I knew it was a girl from the moment the test showed positive and well she was......this one I have that same feeling only a boy I went as far as betting my bf on it cause he thinks its a it a mothers instinct but I am never wrong I predicted all five of my sister kids and my brothers boy......
  • My whole family thinks its a boy. I kinda feel like its a boy. But I'll be happy as long as its healthy. Im 11 weeks and can't wait to find out what it is
  • I had a girl intuition with both my babies, the pregnancies have been the exact same! And I was right! Kaylee was born january 2010 and amaiya is due in june!
  • Idk Yet but id like a boy, eventhough if its a girl i be as happy as long as my cutie pie is healthy :)
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