I need advice please! No baby showed up in the ultrasound:(



  • This happened to me with my 3rd baby. They scared me and made me think I had no baby, the truth is its too early to really c the baby. Wait a few weeks
  • I had this happen to me in jan and it was a blighted ovum. My hcg levels weren't doubling and ultrasound only showed sac and yolk. I ended up miscarrying at 8 weeks
  • edited June 2011
  • It happened to me with this pregnancy. At around the sametime so I just went and got a second opinion somewhere else and the was my lil gummy bear. Im now 14wks. :)
  • Just wanted to let u know this happened with me with this pregnancy! It wasn't til nearly 8 weeks they saw the heartbeat! Try not to worry so much I no its hard but I wish u luck
  • I have never heard of this before. Sorry it seems that from others experience though ur gonna be just fine! Hopefully all goes well for u.
  • @IMLUPE I know I asked for people to not sugar coat their replies but telling a pregnant girl you're 99.9% sure I will miscarry is going overboard. Unless you're a doctor and you know all of my stats its rude to comment on my discussion making up false percentages. This is a serious concern of mine that I'm already stressing out about!
  • dont worry i had one at 8weeks.. and i seen a sac and a beating heart.. not much else.. means things are coming along nicely
  • Whoever says your 99.9% likely to miscarry is full of bs. My fetal pole (as my dr kept calling it) did not show up until about 8 1/2 weeks....and now I am 13 weeks 2 days! Guess I was in that .1% that got lucky huh? Some people.....
  • edited May 2011
    Hun, please don't listen to @IMLUPE just ignore the comment completely, its false. This kind of thing happens with a LOT of women and a MANY of. Those times, its just too early. Im praying that's what happens for you hun. When will you find out your numbers? Please try not to stress hun, stress isn't good for you or your baby. Praying for you both hun!!

    My doctor always told me a temperature of 100.4 and over isn't good and that was my first sign of my missed miscarriage. Could be just a coincidence, but I always tell women to make sure your temp is under that and if its over, take a Tylenol, drink lots of water, and if it still doesn't go down go to the er. Not trying to scare you, I promise its just an FYI hun.
  • I went and had a vag u/s at what i thought was 6 weeks and there was no baby...i went back just 4 days later and there was this little dot thing i am now 21 weeks so try not to stress and i wish u the best
  • I'm 3 days out from a mc. I should have been 10 weeks on Thursday, but went to the docs and had no baby...just an empty sac. Mine was a blighted ovum. Hopefully your dates are just off and it's too early to see. Trust your instincts. You know your body better than anyone else, and if you don't feel symptoms then be a little prepared, but if everything feels right, try to have hope. I knew something was wrong with my pregnancy. I hope yours is okay. Hugs.
  • If you don't wanna wait till u next ultrasound go to the e.r and say u was cramping n took a preg test they'll give u a ultrasound I found out and they thought I was 8 weeks cus my hcg level n my doctor did a ultrasound every week n I wasn't that far. N kept seeing a sac then a yok then a baby I'm now 22 weeks.
  • I really hope and pray that everything is ok. Maybe your not really as far along as you think you are could of ovulated later or something I'm praying for you n that when you go back everything is progressing. Good luck mama . Dont give up hope yet keep praying :)
  • @audra I so sorry ur having to go thru this but I don't think u should worry my sister with one of her pregnancies was told she had lost the baby blah blah blah and actully she didn't some doctors don't like to admit that their ultrasound machines SUCK! So don't worry sweety ur still early and remember every pregnancy is diffrent just because someone seen a baby @ 5wks some don't see a baby til 10wks so try to relax and you'll be in my prayers :-)
  • THERE IS LOTS OF HOPE GIRLY SO DON'T YOU GIVE UP! see all the ladies with beautiful stories?!?! >:D< yey yey yey!!!

    PS as I've said before to others... don't listen when ignorance speeks. That "person" isn't worth a breath! Don't You listen to jealousy!! [-X
  • Hey I was 6 weeks 4 days and all the us tech saw was a sack and a yoke but no baby I went back 3 days later and to a different docs office and there was a.baby and now I'm 21 weeks 5days baby girl healthy her name will be jasmine so please don't get discouraged I'm with @ginaa412 on this one just go to the er they probably will find your baby if u have no cramping or spotting I think your fine. :)
  • You always could go to the ER and get an ultrasound done and get checked. You might be off with you period or you ovulated later in your cycle. Good luck and they might can give you a shot don't remember what It's called but my friend got it and she couldn't carry any babies and now she is 30 weeks along.
  • I truly appreciate everyone's input, I'm having higher hopes that it can turn out for the best. Thanks ladies:-)
  • @KalikoJenie can you explain about the percentiles to me? I have never had to deal with it or heard about it in my 1st 2 pregnancies but with this baby she was in the 8th percentile..and then they said she was right on track at the next ultrasound and right now they are saying shes perfectly healthy but that shes 28th percentile?im just totally confused by all this.i will be 31wks monday.
  • Well, that does sound like a molar pregnancy, as someone else stated.... however, my baby couldn't be seen until 8 weeks. I had my hcg levels checked every 48 hours for about a week to ensure they were rising... I went to the ER with mine and they found it, so hopefully all works out for you!
  • edited May 2011
    At 6 weeks i had a kidney infection and they couldn't see anything but the yolk sac as well, I'm 28 weeks and having a boy! Don't get discouraged!
  • @audra you've been in my prayers, girl - any news?
  • @audra like @bensmama said any new news?
  • I had am us at 5 weeks no baby but a sac now am 10 weeks good luck hun
  • @BensMama @BabyLuv8 So I had another blood test yeaterday and my levels did go down on Friday they were 46,000 and MOnday they were 38,000. The dr said that sometimes that happens that your levels can top out and then drop a bit but they should start to go back up. I'm still really worried, I'm going back on the 23rd for another ultrasound so hopefully everything turns out good. Thanks for your concerns and prayers ladies:)
  • I just experience this with my current pregnancy... Turns out I had ovulated later than a normal person and boom next ultrasound saw a little bean.. Im 17w4d.. Just be calm
  • This happened to me!!!! It was my first ultrasound...my hcg was 8,000 and I though I was 6w4d. Sac measured 5w6d and there was no baby and no yolk sac...they told me it could just be too soon and to try another ultrasound at 7 weeks. Baby WAS there! Just a peanut! I'm in my 17th week now and progressing just fine. I hope the same for you!
  • My sea monkey was a sac n yolk at 5.6 weeks didn't show till 7 I have tilted uterus so he was way back lol
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