Fighting morning sickness and fatigue?!

edited May 2011 in First Trimester
I'm 7w0d pregnant! However, the bad parts finally set in. I have morning sickness and fatigue 24/7. Not always pucking but always nauseas! I tried eating crackers to relieve nausea and walking to relieve fatigue, but nothing has worked! My life is at a standstill and the times I do feel well, I play catch up on cleaning! Any advice on how to ease these symptems?


  • edited May 2011
    I drank ginger ale for the nausea because crackers did not work!
    Now the fatigue on the other only solution is take as many naps as possible.
  • Thank you :) I'm scared I won't like ginger ale but its definitely worth a try! I'm just nervous that if its this bad so early, how's it gonna be later? Haha
  • I remember those horrible days. Unfortunately NOTHING help me with the nausea.....N-O-T-H-I-N-G!! I had to tell my dr to give me medicine for it b/c even water wass making me puke! That helped but I still get some nausea now and then. As far as the tiredness goes I suggest u take as many naps as u can. This phased will eventually pass but with me it seemed that the more little things I did the more tired I got. I have heard that B12 complex helps with boosting energy but idk how that would affect the bby so b4 u try it ask ur dr
  • Hang in there it does get better I talked to my doctor and had to be put on meds because I was into my second trimester but it doesn't last forever
  • Lol. Well my nausea was bad but I never actually puked which was good to me. & to me ginger ale taste alot like sprite. Im 14 weeks now & only get nausea if I until late.
  • I'm almost 15 weeks and I thought I was done with ms. Uhhhhh, no. I was queasy all damned day. Even riding in the car with my husband made me feel horrible. I must have looked like hell because he offered to pull over several times. Poor man probably thought I was gonna hurl in his car!
  • Nothing helped with my fatigue!!! It did get better at 14w. I would fall asleep at work and come straight home from work and go to sleep. I still need naps, but it's so much better now.
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