October mommies-- feeling kicks yet?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 19 wks, due October 8th & my baby's movement went from flutters to kicks literally overnight! U can even feel it from the outside now! :-) anyone else feelin kicks yet?


  • :( il be twenty weeks tomorrow due oct 3rd also and haven't felt baby :( I might have but idk if its just gas lol I wanna feel it so badly
  • I'm due oct 24th and I've been feeling flutters (now kicks) for a couple weeks.
  • I'm due Oct. 15 and I have felt them for about a week now! I screamed the other night when it happened lol it scared the crap outta me!
  • I think I felt one last night, I cannot wait until my husband can feel
  • im due 10.01 & i still feel flutters and when he rolls around...but no kicks, yet..
  • @super_siked If u didn't fart afterwards lol then it was probably baby! My first movements felt like popping bubbles or like muscle spasms, like when u have a twitchy eye lol.
  • Oct 30...no movements for me yet...:(
  • edited May 2011
    :) ohh! I have! She gets all bouncy in there its cute:) felt flutters since 14 wks:)! Im 18+6 :) oh and due oct 10:)
  • I'm 17 weeks and I don't think I've felt him :-( I'm so jealous of you guys! :-((
  • Iv felt my little muffin kick and role for about 3 weeks now. Due oct 23!
  • Due 10-16-11 been feeling flutters for wks. Waiting on the kicks
  • I am 18wks..almost 19, due 10/11. I feel lots and lots of flutters, but no real kicks yet. It is my first, so I figure I still have at least a week or more, plus I am a big girl. I can't wait to feel them though. The flutters are really neat for now though :)
  • I'm due october 13th and baby's been kicking since 15 weeks, I'm really skinny and although I never really caught him kicking on the outside cuz its so quick, I seen him roll and make one side of my uterus stick out then go back down when he rolls the other way!
  • Yup!
    I'm due October 3rd, I've been able to feel the baby since 15 weeks (I'm 20 weeks now), and just three nights ago hubby and I were both able to feel little kicks/movements from the outside!
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