Naming our baby after our dog????

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so we have a Boston Terrier named Enzo and its the ONLY name I love so far for a baby boy, my bf likes it too but would it be too weird to name him by the same name??? The thing is my bf and I barely call our dog Enzo, we have nicknames for him...should we do it? Or no? :(


  • I think its cute... Its so different.... Theyll be crazy abt one another
  • i had to change my original first name of isabelle to a middle name cuz my bf had a dog named isabelle so i guess its all up to you guys if u think its weird then dont do it. if ur cool with it than go with it
  • @Rissalee7 If it was for us I think we would do it but I think we will never stop hearing it from our families for naming our son after a dog.

    @PatientlyWaiting haha we were saying how funny it would be for us to call out to "Enzo" and they both come to us lol
  • @ExcitedForOctober tell them to shove it up there buts lol
  • My baby girls middle name will be after my doggie. She died a couple weeks ago and she was 'my first norm's so I don't think its weird at all!
  • @Rissalee7 lol, I guess they will have to shut up after a while

    @praying4our3rd Thanks hun! :)

    @soontohavethree Aww thats a.nice tribute to ur doggy :)
  • I loooovveee that name:)
  • thats how i feel about the name and kinda upset that i used it on my cat. but i do love my little brady cat sooo much..and the name suits him well. he has a brother named clancy. anywho...i say go for it. if the dog has nicknames just change him to one of those!
  • edited May 2011
    Vincenzo (vin-chen-zoh) is an Italian boy name...nicknames are Enzo, Vin, Vinny, Cenzo...maybe name him Vincenzo and call him Enzo?
  • My friend loved the name enzo but ended up naming her baby crue which is cute & unique!
  • @sopheebaybee143 We already call our dog 'Mecho' as a nickname so it should be no problem ;)
  • @Soon2BMomOf2under2 My brother said to name him Lorenzo so we can call him Enzo, good idea! Cool thing is my moms name is Lorenza :)

    @Cali83 I wanna kick myself in the butt for suggesting we name our dog that 3 years ago lol

    @hopeful1313 thanks hun, u made me feel better about possibly naming him Enzo :)
  • Change the dog's name. Lmbo. I mean, is the dog gonna notice? Lol. :P
  • @Fate Lmao, we call him a million other names anyway...Mecho, Beigers...dont ask me why we call him that, they just stuck. My bf goes "hes gonna die sooner or later anyway" :(
  • How mean. Lol!
  • Yea I would just forver call him by the other names...Enzo iis really cute
  • Name the baby what you want people are going to say things about any name I would do it too if I really liked the name:)
  • @ExcitedForOctober ... we're dealing with this too. We have 2 dogs (Holly and Lucy) and 2 cats (Abby and Willow) and love all of those names for a girl. lol
  • @MikeandRonAdopt I love those names, too! You could do Molly or Gabby instead of Holly or Abby for a girl.
  • @ExcitedForOctober I totally know what you mean. Anytime I think of a name for a new pet I immediately think it would be good for future kids, too. I say go for it and forget what anyone else thinks. It's your baby and your dog, no one else's!
  • If I was having a girl I was going to make her middle name Lilly after my childhood dog.
  • @Molly When my bf got the puppy he asked me if I liked Enzo and another name and I picked Enzo, I would have NEVER thought "oh wait, I like that name for my baby" lol

    @Beautiful_Altar see but a middle name is on a whole different level lol...I just don't want to deal with all the stupid comments we will get...but I guess we have 4 and a half months to think it over ;-)

    @MikeandRonAdopt I love the name Willow :)

    @LovelyBoots Yeah I'm sure you are right! Me and my bf like really unique names and even if we didn't choose Enzo I'm sure people would talk about it.

    @preggointx Thnks!! :-D
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