Lower ab pain- right side

edited May 2011 in Health
I have this shooting pain on the left side of my abdomen. Right under my bumb- or the lower, and when I laugh or cough or sneeze, the pain in unbearable and I cry. Other than that, if I keep pressure on the spot it dont hurt as bad. Any ideas of what this might be


  • 34 wks. I thought I was done with ligament pains :( thanks tho @ta2edblondie
  • Siatic nerve its usually a Sharp pain that shoots from the top of your butt to the mid thigh sometimes it the whole leg but if pressure is put on it it actually feels pretty good
  • If it isn't sciatic nerve pain it might be your sigmoid colon. On your left side your fetal is stored in your sigmoid until you are ready to have a bowel movement. Have you gone poop lately? If anything consult your practitioner. Hope you are ok and its nothing serious.
  • I meant fecal not fetal. Sowie lol
  • @vayanna I looked up sciatic nerve I think this is diff thanks tho.

    @gemini_babie I'll ask bout it. Thank you I didnt know that bout bm. I went today twice so we'll see
  • i dunno what they are lol but I have it all the time.. some say round ligament pain but idk I was due yesterday and get them more often now than ever..
  • Hw do u make da pain feel betta????
  • @huneybee so they just get worse? Yikes... And hope your lil bundle comes soon :)

    @boygirl0606 I am keeping my hand pressed on the area. Pressure is my only relief
  • @seifer12211 thanx and mine only feels better with pressure to.. helps if my BD holds his hand on it or if I press my belly against him :D
  • u should call n ask ur doc bout it just in case tho.
  • @huneybee I will call doc tomorrow... Thanks again
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