i think im done trying......

I just don't see a point anymore. Its been almost 2 years....and nothing. I have been tested and so has he, we are both fine and healthy. But nothing works. We have tried everything, even not trying didn't work. Idk what to do anymore ladies........


  • I'm sorry I don't know wat ur going through but I do believe everything happens in its own time and I do think it will happen for u baby dust ur way
  • Pray ! And dont give up on your soon to be miracle baby :) stay positive and great things will happen
  • don't give up.. it will happen when the time is right.
  • @tiff87124 im 20 actually. My husband doesn't wanna stop trying
  • The best part about becoming pregnant is the making of the baby...So just have fun and it'll happen in time! Good luck! :)
  • Well I hope you get a nice 'surprise' then, soon! Good luck with whatever happens.
  • It took me 4 years.... this just happened.... needless to say I was not on b control because I thought it just wouldn't happen.....
  • My sil was told she wouldnt be able to have a baby and she never had periods but now she is 32 and had her son.. god has his ways.. maybe its not your time..Also you could get a second opinion about you and hubby..
  • It took my husband and I over a yr to.get pregnant. Don't give up. We tried everything but nothing worked so I decided to do Basel body temperature to check my ovulation and use preseed and mucinex for about 2 months. We also put a pillow under my hips for the hell of it and we finally got pregnant. So maybe it is not your time or maybe you're just need to 'tweek' something like we did. Just don't give up. Keep the faith and everything will work out. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you!
  • Thank you to everyone for commenting. I am currently trying to figure out if I should still test on Saturday. If u want you can see what's been going on in my formar posts. Could use an opinion or two
  • @tryinghard19 don't give up hope. Trust me I know how disappointing. It can be to test month after month and get a negative. Trust me we tried for 3 yrs to get pregnant with our second. I finally got to the point where I was happy with just one baby, gave my body time to relax a boom about 3 months after I quit actively trying boom I was pregnant.....there is still hope! :)
  • My husband & I tried for 2yrs then decided to stop, so then we both started the P90X workout program and by the end of the program that next month I was pregnant. People had kept telling me exercise on from both of us would help get things moving..I did not believe them but I guess it did, don't give up. It will happen just in its own time. I was upset too because we were trying to do everything to concieve a Boy and I was for sure that I was gonna have another girl and we actully got LUCKY and are having a BOY..things work in mysterious ways...Positive thinking & Best wishes sent your way!!!
  • My husband and I use to say the big man upstairs will bless us when he feels were ready so we stopped trying and left it up to him and bada bing we finally got pregnant........it will happen hon when its supposed to don't give up! :)
  • have u tried meds? clomid? that kind of stuff?
  • Yup. @tryforbaby2 did that the past 3 months. Clomid, estrodile, and a progesterone. All three for the past three months
  • I got pregnant when I stopped trying. IMO I think the stress of trying and then waiting to see if you get that positive test makes it harder to actually conceive. But I can't say for sure...
  • Well, the not worrying about it is what we originally did. For six months. We thought, if it happens it happens. All the tips and trick haven't really worked. Lol. Done it all
  • I feel the same way. But will not believe it'll never happen. I hope if you do decide to back off for a while, That your blessing does come. Just know we're here even if you're not actively ttc girl! >:D<

    Still wishing you lots of luck and baby dust
  • My husband and I tried actively for 6 months when our daughter was 18 months old...like ovulation tracking and the whole thing and nothing. He lost his job, so we quit. We got insurance back in January of this year and got pregnant on the first try. (My daughter is 5 now.) So maybe a break will help. Or fertility drugs, usually you can try them after a year of trying with no success.
  • Dont give up!! Have faith! God has his plans and only he knows when its time. I tried for 12 years. It was very sad to see everyone around me having babies. I would cry everytime someone in my family would come out pregnant. Finally in September we decided to do another round of fertility treatments but 3 weeks before going to the Doctor I had a talk with God. I told him that I really wanted a baby and that I was ready to be a mommy but I didn't want to force nature I wanted a miracle!! After this it was just time to wait for my period to start my treatment. Well, I never got it!! Now I'm 32 weeks pregnant with a boy. I'm sooo happy!! Don't loose hope hun! I know how you feel and I'm sorry that you're going through this :( if you need someone to talk to I'm here. May God give you and your hubby patience and strength. :)

  • dont give up... cause u cant leave me.. lol..
  • It took us ten years. My first did a number on my body, not in a good way. And about three years ago we were told it'd never happen. I have one from another as does he so we gave up. Two months ago I went to the doc thinking I had a nasty summer flu. No, I was having nasty morning sickness. I believe strongly in the Lord God and that He does everything in His way and when the time is right....

    Marc, my counter part, said the moon, sun, and stars just needed to be aligned just right.

    Have patience. If you believe, pray and have faith. As wonderful a person you sound to be, I'm sure the sun, moon and stars will align for ya'll too :)

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