@hurstk28. Yeah they cut under my belly button. It looks like shit. Excuse my language. I even asked the nurse if the doc did it right. Lol. Everyone else I have talked to said they either had the laperscopey done or they were cut down in their bikini area. My regualr surgeon that was gna do it was gone that day so I got stuck with this surgeon that I don't think she knew what she was doing.
I have never had a csection (yet knock on wood) but I have friends and.family members that have and at.the.only hospitals in town their policy is once a c section always a csection. So in that case if they put a limit of 3 then nobody in town that had complications or had a csection with first would be able to have more then three kids. Jw what would happen then.cause to get to a hospital that will do a vbac you have to travel almost an hour from town here? ? Jw??
I really appreciate eveyones input I am an RN, but certainly no expert on OB...I worked in Surgical ICU for many years before deciding to be a SAHM. I completely understand the risks involved with surgery and have seen some of the most awful surgical complications. I was most concerned about being limited on the number of children I can have and post-op recovery while caring for a newborn and 20 month old.
I am not against c-section by any means as my daughter and I would have died had I not had a c-section. Now, I have the option to choose by birth plan and after a very traumatic experience I was trying to avoid going through it again...think post traumatic stress disorder...I mean, I'm THAT scarred from my birthing experience. Despite a c section, my daughter was in my arms with in 15 mins and on my breast in 20 mins...I got lucky with a quick OB who could close me up fast and, thankfully a healthy baby.
I just really need to hear everyones opinion on recovery time for vaginal and c section and whether they were told they couldn't have more than 3 c-sections. I really appreciate all of your feedback.:)
I'm choosing c csection because 1 I had 2 emergency csections already. I tried vbac with my second. My labor didn't pregress after 26 hours after my water broke. Same thing happened with my first. So I'm having a c section this time because I don't want another emergency one! Also I'm getting.g my tubes tied..... I want this baby my last to come out smooth as possible. If you are choosing vaginal delivery good for you. But us who choose other wise she never b made to feel bad about our choice! If you don't understand I don't care its my baby my body my delivery.
@praying4our3rd I am not saying that c-sections are not terrifying or that they don't come with risks. I am just saying that perhaps when you state your opinion or experience like "you don't get to bond with your baby for a couple of hours...everyone else gets to hold your baby before you do" that you make sure people understand that it was your experience. And those things can happen with a vaginal delivery too...if you have complications or the baby is needing to be rushed to NICU. Also, I am the last person on here to start drama or try to be rude. So, I nicely ask that you not call me out. I think the difference with my post is that every vaginal delivery is different and I hope that all moms and moms to be know that...but some women on here constantly post horrible negative things about c-sections and criticize women that have to have them. It is a regular occurance and as a mommy who didn't have a choice, it just gets old. For my experience with my first there are a hundred posts on here where a woman delivered in a few hours with no complications...go back and read through any post where a mom is talking about c-sections and 99% of responders give negative feedback even if they didn't have a c-section! Again, I am not trying to start any kind of drama or fight...I just wish that there was a little more support for the other side.
@Soon2BeMomOf2Under2 I think if your doctor is giving you the option that you should try for v-bac. I don't know what the recovery time for a vag delivery is but as I have stated I didn't have a long recovery with any of my other 3. I didn't use any pain meds stronger than motrin because I think that slows recovery. I also have 28 months and 31 months between my kiddos...so I had a toddler at home with each of them. If you have a c-section you will be put on a weight restriction, but it didn't slow me down in being mommy;-) My doctor just told me to sit down and have my toddler climb on my lap rather than picking them up. sorry that I caused drama on your post:(
of course a csec.. doesnt make it bad for the bonding and mom.. its just nice to be able to put your baby to your chest right away.. i would hate to have one.. ive had to natural and feel bad for my friends that didnt have that great experience.. alot of them feel cheated.. so if your dr. will do a vback and you want to do it.. than go for it girl.. not every delivery is the same.. good luck on your delivery either way..
I had a c section for my first and it was horrible I did get to take her right into my room with me afterwards (even tho she made a bm inside me) but recovery was not so good I couldn't walk for weeks 2 1\2 years later its still numb so this time I'm tryin for a vaginal birth
My cousin planned on having 6 kids and was disappointed to learn that her 4th pregnancy (third c section) would have to be her last, because her uterus wasn't handling the pregnancy well. I would talk to your dr about a couple of things. Is it a blanket policy, no more than 3 or is it something specific to you? If you spaced your pregnancies out more, would you be a better candidate for a 4th section? If you have 3 sections, does he require you get your tubes tied or if you get pregnant again, will he refer you somewhere else? You might also look for stories from woman who have had multiple sections to see what their experience was like.
Doctor's get a bad rap sometimes, because they have to weigh every decision they make with the risk of getting sued if the birth has a negative outcome. The dr who delivered my daughter won't see OB patients anymore, because the insurance premiums are so high. So he's probably not limiting you to 3 to be a jerk, just to minimize his liability.
@laura536 Great advice!!! And it is so true that doctors get a bad rap. Half the doctors who were in our ob's clinic stopped delivering babies about 6 years ago because of the rising malpractice insurance. We were so happy that our dr didn't stop cause I don't know what I would do. But I agree defintely check into the why's and get 2nd and 3rd opinions if needed!
I'm due with our second child in october. I had an emergency c-section. I've opted to do a VBAC with this pregnancy since I can't be induced. Being induced was not a great experience
I had an emergency c-section in 2008 because my labor was not progressing I was stuck at 3 and my water had been broke for over 10 hours its a good thing too turns out the cord was wrapped around my daughters head but I will say I was disappointed but I was up the next day taking a shower and walking around once the nurses left my room;) I have to have another one with this one I wanted to do vbac but my doc says no because my scar could hemmorage and its too dangerous:(
i was told the same thing,that no more than 3 is recommended. i will be having my 5th c-section in september,and as long as nothing goes wrong i plan on having a 6th. i dont think i will go past 6 though. my dr says the same thing that each one gets more and more high risk and a couple of years ago a lady was on her 8th c-section and her placenta attached to her bladder,she almost died and had to have her bladder reconstructed,thats pretty scary to me. i would go with the vbac if possible. i wanted to with my 2nd but was told that i couldnt.
@Laura536 you made some excellent points! I will certainly ask those questions! Thank you! @momofabeautifulbean I agree...induction are no fun at all. I am happy that I will never have to have one again!
Thank you to everyone else for your responses! You have all helped me gather a lot of information and some great questions to talk to my doc about! I'll keep you all posted on my decision and what the doc has to say
I am not against c-section by any means as my daughter and I would have died had I not had a c-section. Now, I have the option to choose by birth plan and after a very traumatic experience I was trying to avoid going through it again...think post traumatic stress disorder...I mean, I'm THAT scarred from my birthing experience. Despite a c section, my daughter was in my arms with in 15 mins and on my breast in 20 mins...I got lucky with a quick OB who could close me up fast and, thankfully a healthy baby.
I just really need to hear everyones opinion on recovery time for vaginal and c section and whether they were told they couldn't have more than 3 c-sections. I really appreciate all of your feedback.:)
You might also look for stories from woman who have had multiple sections to see what their experience was like.
Doctor's get a bad rap sometimes, because they have to weigh every decision they make with the risk of getting sued if the birth has a negative outcome. The dr who delivered my daughter won't see OB patients anymore, because the insurance premiums are so high. So he's probably not limiting you to 3 to be a jerk, just to minimize his liability.
@momofabeautifulbean I agree...induction are no fun at all. I am happy that I will never have to have one again!
Thank you to everyone else for your responses! You have all helped me gather a lot of information and some great questions to talk to my doc about! I'll keep you all posted on my decision and what the doc has to say