4 days over due :( **UPDATE**

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So.. i was due may 16th.. and still no little man :( i havnt had any contractions since my false labor which was on the 15th ?? THIS BLOWS i want to hold my little man so badd. my doctor scheduled me for an ultra sound monday just in case he hasnt arrived by then. BUT my doctor doesnt induce unless medically nessasary until TWO WEEKS after due date. anyone elles doc have a policy like this?

losing pieces of my mucus plug today :) but still no more contractions..


  • I didn't but girl let ur body do the work I was induced on my duedate and ended in a c sec because my body wasn't ready so just ride it out I know its hell but its worth it
  • Are you dialated atleast? I feel you :(
    Im not over due yet but I only have 10 days left and I dont know if I can be pregnant for 1 more day...
  • My cousin was due the 10th and she's not dilated yet...she's being induced on Saturday evening...stubborn little boy
  • My Dr asked me a week before my due date if I went passed my due date if I wanted to induce and so we scheduled it for 6 days after my due date. my son didn't come in the two weeks and so I was induced. I couldn't have imagined waiting another week. It was so miserable waiting the 6 days.
  • I delivered my first child 12 days after my due date. My doctor has a policy to let the first pregnancy go 2-3 weeks past the due date unless medically necessary to induce earlier. Waiting sucks... But be patient. It'll be worth the wait.
  • @Anne09 yes i was 3 cm. dialated yesterday the 17th wen i went to the doctor and 65% effaced.

    @kalasthename wow im glad im at least dialated.

    @redhead25 UGHH lucky lol..

    @txmoorekat yeah i really dont want induced at alllll but i dont want to be two weeks over due my baby allready wieghs an estimated 7 1/2 or 8 pounds :(
  • She just called me and now were at the hospital in labor...its about time...41 weeks and 2 days
  • She just called me and now were at the hospital in labor...its about time...41 weeks and 2 days
  • My doctor is the same way he wont induce until 2 weeks over. One of my friends is 41 weeks and 3 days and has tried everything and he wont induce her (we have the same doctor) shes so depressed and miserable im starting to get worried the same m
  • Might happen to me***
  • @kalasthename send my congrads :)
  • @hunnybee she's pushing now...I will tho thank you
  • UPDATE** Losing pieces of my mucus plug today not verry much though :( and still no more contractions..
  • Awww:( well.hope he come soon.my doctors policy is they pefer patients to deliver by 41w.
  • Get a yoga ball hun! They seem to work miracles!
  • @excitedforbaby thanks.. ugh ur lucky they scheduled me for an ultra sound on Monday wich will make ne 41 weeks :(

    @mommyoftwoprincesses will one of them regular big balls work lol? like them one of them ones u get from walmart for kida.
  • edited May 2011
    Yep! :) that's what I used to use!
  • I found an exercise ball from there for $10 this pregnancy so that's what I've been using lately. But the kid ones should work just as good hun! :)
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  • @mommyoftwoprincesses thankya. what do I do tho just sit on it and bounce or is there something elles?
  • @mama_kat I'm not sure.. my due date hasn't changed since my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and I've measured perfectly the whole time.. they're required to do an ultrasound once I got passed 40 weeks and 5 days though so I have one Monday which will make me 41 weeks.
  • Mine offered to induce me at 39 wks. Im 38wks 2days but said no. For some reason labor keeps starting and stopping. I will have contractions for hours that actually make me dilate but after 2hrs they stop. This has been going on for weeks. I am up to 4cm and 75%. eventually it will be the real deal. Last night sucked bc they sent me home after 7 hours of contractions bc I only changed 1/2 cm before they ended
  • I bounce and rock my pelvis back and fourth :)
  • @LillieBug the same keeps hapoening 2,me im due today im 4cm aswell na my boobs just started killing but no contractions atm
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