pelvic pain, please help

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Hey ladies im 36w2d, I am 1cm dialated as of yesterday. I have had mild pelvic pain for a few weeks now. Last night my pelvic bone started hurting really bad. Its almost to the point where I want to cry everytime I sit, stand walk or move at all. Its killin me! I know its her head getting in to place for delivery but is this normal for it to be this extreme?? What can help relieve it? Should I expect her to be here soon? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!!!!


  • Anyone!!!!
  • I think it's normal, so don't worry. Try some tylenol but I wouldn't know what else to do sorry. >:D<
  • I wish I could help but I'm a first time mom, so I don't know what to really expect or how to handle it when it comes. But I think, if I were you, I would call my OB, describe the pain exactly as you've done here, & ask if they think it's normal, should you be seen, & what can be done to alleviate this pain.
    I'm sorry I'm not more of a help! :(
    Best of luck, sweetie!
  • Unfortunately its normal. Im dealin with the same thing and my dr says she can't help. She recommended a maternity support belt and it helps when you're out and about, but it doesn't do jack for sleeping or sitting around. Its no fun :(
  • Oh that you ladies!!! I figured it was normal, I was just suprised how fast and hard it hit. My poor vagina and pelvic bone!
  • @kansasmomma I ended upgoin in due to cobtrctions on tue night. Doc stopped them.wants me to hold out a little longer.anyow. I told him again how bad my hips and pelvic hurts. He said for this far in the game its normal. Try a heating pad. Warm bath. And tylonol. Its about all u can do. Hang I tere I understand just how u feel...
  • @kaylin im suprised ur dr stopped ur labor. Your far enough along ur baby would be just fine, and ur in horrible pain. Im sorry he stopped it. How much does ur baby weigh? Did u have a u/s? How much are u dialated? Sorry so many question!
  • @kansasmomma im only 36 weeks 4 days. Doc is worried about lung development. Wants to make sure baby is ready and wont have to go to nicu. I understand where he is coming from. But it frustrates me..last ultra sound was at 34 weeks 2 days and baby weighed 6 lbs 10 oz. so around 7 lbs 10 oz as of today (avg) im only dialated a finger tip to 1cm. But thats y we were doing a c section. Because previous child I didbt dialate. He said if they start again he wouldn't send me home again. Just wants me to last a little longer. Ugh....15more days max I keep reminding myself...

    How r u holding up? Has the pain decreased? Mine hurts when I move lol..laying or sittin still im doing ok..damn if only I didnt have to work and could b lazy... Lol id go crazy I think...just need to make it till the end of next week for work then six weeks off :) how long r u taking off? Sorry so long
  • @kaylin oh I understand, that's so hard. When is ur c-section day?? Is it nice to plan ur babies due date? I always thought it would be nice!

    Im doing pretty good! My pelvic bone is killin me and im having inconsistent back labor pains. I taking all summer off mostly do to my lupus and we have no idea what is going to happen with it. Im really lucky that I get to take all summer off! Are u hoping to go in to labor and have ur baby naturally or do u want a c-section? I think c-sections are so much easier on baby but not on momma, natural is hard for everyone!
  • @kansasmomma c section date of june 3... Id like my body to start on its ow. Then we will do a setion no matter what...i reallt hate this waitibg not very good at it lol
  • @kaylin I know how u feel! Im horrible at waiting too! I just want to have my baby safe in my arms already!!
  • @kansasmomma I could not agree more... are you going ,c section? if so have you chosen a date?
  • @kaylin im hoping to have her naturally, but I think I'll have to be induced then have her vaginally. Im not sure of a date yet. We'll decide asap when the dr tells us when its ok to have her!
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