I signed the paper... I truly despise this bitch i hate when ppl talk to you like ur some 2 year old...i havnt even dialated and while she was checking she was intentionally trying to hurt me ugh
I understand and respect your choice, especially if you're not dilating yet, but oh, it would be hard for me to turn that down at this point!! lol I'm so uncomfortable, I probably shouldn't be allowed to make major decisions. Haha
@ebbry89 I'm the same way. I refused any kind of drugs when I had my first. Now my baby is breech at 37 weeks. They're talking csection if he doesnt flip
Pitocin isn't bad at all hun. Ppl make it sound like its the devil drug and its not. I loved pitocin and I never had any pain meds at all. I refused the epidural.
You go girl!! As hard as the wait is, the baby knows when its ready to come, and your labor WILL be harder if you force it too soon so high five for holding out !!
@ebbry89 I'm right there with ya... haven't signed any papers yet, but they are discussing it. She's being a stubborn little booger. I'm holding on to her as long as she wants me to... she obviously isn't ready to come out or she would be trying harder. I think she's safe and cozy in there.... making me miserable!