Need to vent... no judgment please



  • I hate it too. I hate that no one talks to my face anymore, just my belly.
    I hate that everyone thinks it's ok to comment on my weight. "Wow, you're getting huge!" "Are you sure it's not triplets?" Etc
    I hate the loss of my identity and I'm just known as being pregnant with twins.
    I hate gaining weight, getting hairy, stretch marks, acne, etc. Yes, I guess I'm vain.
    I don't like the feeling of these babies kicking inside me, it feels unnatural and weird.
    Ugh, I could go on and on but I'll stop. I'm hoping my feelings will change cause I do feel guilty for feeling this way.
  • @laine923 you have every right to feel how you feel. I believe its only natural for every woman to have different perspectives on being pregnant. Because obviously everyones body handles pregnancy different. This is my first baby. And yes its not always the best feelings in the world....but hey we knew "getting pregnant" was possible at anytime. I personally used birth control, condoms, or just plain and simple didn't let my bf finish in me because I wasn't ready for pregnancy at after 5 yrs I knew it was something I wanted deep in my heart so I tried and well now I'm here :) I know for sure its sure as hell isn't going to be easy but I knew what I was getting myself into to. Everything will eventually fall into place like its supposed to.
  • @Melissansteve... If you're vain, than I am, too!! I envy women who say being pregnant makes them feel sexy. I feel like a woolly mammoth!! I feel where you're coming from, and I'm only carrying One baby. Congrats on your twins, though! I hope my opinion changes, too. I feel like I'm being totally selfish and shallow... It's not that I don't love my daughter, I just don't love Growing her... Lol
  • @laine923 nope. You're not the only one hunny. I'm 16+4 which I just consider 4 months cause I hate people asking how far I am and its like they are requesting day by day notation. I can't wait for October 31st it can't seem to come fast enough. It seems MY pregnancy goes fast for everyone but me. I do love shopping though lol
  • @laine923, I think most women at some point wonder and question whether the crap they are going through during pregnancy will be worth it in the end especially if it is their first pregnancy. I also think tons of women question whether they will feel or be maternal. I think for many women, the maternal instinct just doesn't hit until they see and hold their baby. You aren't abnormal at all hun, in fact quite the opposite as is quite evident by all the similar posts here. It's awesome to have a great husband that appreciate our bodies especially when pregnant. Sometimes you need that extra boost of confidence from him when you are feeling particularly whale-like and shitty.

    @MelissaNsteve, I can't tell you the amount of people that would as me if I was having twins when I was pregnant with my daughter and I just wanted to punch them in the junk. Really people, think before you open your pie hole and say someone looks huge. Oh, and I cried today when I noticed 2 tiny stretch marks above my belly button. I flipped out cause all the stretch marks I have from my 2 other pregnancies were really low, like under my bikini line (not that I will even wear one LOL). That with the fact that I feel like my stomach is getting more hairy and I have had a heat rash on my face since I moved to Phoenix 3 months ago doesn't help much.

  • @laine923, oh it takes a bit to make me feel sexy or cute on my own. I know I am to my husband but every other day around the house when I am just wearing a tshirt and stretchy shorts with my hair in a ponytail, I avoid mirrors. I don't want to feel like that so we try to get out as much as possible which forces me to do my hair, put on some makeup and cute maternity clothes (yes there are some cute non tent like clothes out there). I guess I am just an enigma in that I hate alot of it sometimes but love it too.
  • I appreciate how supportive and nonjudgmental you all have been!! I'm glad this post got so much attention and gave so many other ladies to share their gripes, and triumphs, of pregnancy. I'm feeling better today than I was last night... But, as you all know, it could be just a matter of time til a low mood strikes again!! Gotta love hormones! :-)

    I wish all of you the best in your pregnancies and would love to keep hearing your stories. Thanks again! You helped me a ton.
  • Man I thought I was the only one
    This Is my 3rd n I can't remember begin like this before. It will be over soon n u get to hold ur baby
  • @expectingbabynumber3...that's what I keep hearing... This is my first and everyone says I'll forget how much I hate this as soon as I see that little girl. I hope so!! Congrats on your third. When are you due??
  • It took me a while to start getting excited about it. I waited until I was 14 weeks before I said anything to anyone and I was stressed out the whole time because of how I got pregnant and worrying about my family's approval/support. It took almost another month before I started getting excited, but that's just me.
  • ive always wanted to be pregnant n have a baby. im 29 now. hubby n I been trying for five yrs. im so happy n blessed to be pregnant. the only two thing that I hate about my pregnancy is im diabetic, I hate insulin shots n the back pain. n I will be 22 weeks also on thursday. im showing alot but everyone feels differently about being pregnant. hope u feel better :) it doesnt make u a bad person at all.
  • Al due December 10 am hoping am having. A boy
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