when did yoooooh...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Feel your baby kicking or moving? At about how many weeks? I totally forgot and I just wanna remember!! Pregnant brain stinks!! I'm forgetful at points lol....


  • I started to feel little bubble like feelings at 15 weeks she really started moving at about 20 weeks n now she hardly ever stops! Lol
  • flutters @14? I think.. n kicks 18 I think..
  • Waow 15 weeks.. uggghh. I thought so.. I'm 16 weeks 3 days and I still have yet to feel her kick.. I did an ultrasound yesterday and I seen her kicking me in the ultrasound but I still can't feel it in the belly :( grrrr...
  • I didn't feel my girl move until 21wks but I have an anterior placenta so its normal to feel movement late.
  • And no.. no butterfly feeling either.. this sucks!! I'm anticipating the day when I can feel her move cause it eases my mind to know she is okay
  • drinkk sum I'ce cold oj!!!! n concentrate
  • @nalibby2 I will try that... lol its funny I crave oj too but after I drink it I feel sick lol...
  • aw:( I know that sounds bombbbb right now : /
  • 15 weeks felt like baby jumped.
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