sex anyone?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm at a loss. My sex drive is basically non existent. My bf wants to have sex everyday and when I say I'm not in the mood he gets upset. He is starting to think that I am not physically attracted to him anymore I explain to him I am but he still has a hard time understanding why I don't want to have sex. Anyone with this problem? Idk what to do..


  • I had no sex drive for either of my pregnancies... I'm 33 weeks now and it doesn't look like I'm going to at all... how far along are you ?
  • 20 weeks 1 day.
  • Usually second trimester you start to feel better... I would say to just let your partner know... also if you sometimes just do it, it may just make u feel better about it
  • My husband was like that because we basically did have sex everyday, he was mad at first but soon he apologized & now he just wants it every once in awhile. Don't worry it will come back...(full force :) )
  • I've had no desire for it either, which is totally unlike me. The mere thought or sight of my baby's father used to get me all hot and bothered. Now, when I see him and feel the occasional cramp, I wanna smack him. Lol. I did have sex this week, and though I didn't want it, it wasn't bad at all. Lol
  • I'm 7 weeks with my first. I am scared to have sex. But I am wanting to. Orgasms are painfull is this normal n is it safe. To have sex this early x
  • I get angry with my bbys dad when he wants to have sex. I told him it was rude to always ask me and if I wanted to I would let him know. I think my hormones are getting the best of me lol.
  • I have no sex drive at all. I'm 27 weeks & its not happening no time soon. LOL. I get mad when my hubby makes sexual advances towards me because I feel its his fault I'm in pain. Lmbo! But he understands.
  • I have a sex drive, but my husband does not. He works 12hr overnight shifts and is rarely in the mood. It makes me feel like Shit. All he wants to do is touch my boobs. Nope!! Not allowed!!! I know its bc he's stressed and tired, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I just feel ugly and sad...and I'm an attractive girl, I know I'm not ugly. Ugghhhh!!!!!!!
  • No sex drive well I did with my first
  • No sex drive whatsoever!!! Poor hubby, thankfully he's very understanding
  • No sex drive here either. And if I am in the mood I will be too tired to start anything lol.
  • Im more sexually active than before I was pregnant and I always have dreams about sex lol its these hormones ill be 23 weeks tomorrow
  • Between me being sick and my husband working all the time, we hardly ever have sex now, which is super weird for both of us. Sometimes it makes me feel ugly, but I know I'm not and he always tells me I'm beautiful :)
  • My Guy and I had it ALL the time before now he is only lucky to get it when I'm half asleep, then he feels like I don't want him or that. He dose not turn me on. He has done everything to get me in the mood poor him. :(
  • @njnesbitt ur safe to have sex but if orgasms are painful then you shouldn't and talk to your doctor.

    To everyone else I'm very glad that I'm not. Alone in this. It makes me feel a hell of alot better
  • Mine went away completely after my first was born. Were pregnant with our third and I still want nothing to do with it. I'm only 23 so it sucks. I give in to make my husband happy, but I bleed afterwards, every time! :(
  • I've had no sex drive at all. And my fiance wanted it everyday but I just wasnt interested. He was annoyed but accepted it. I'm now 37 weeks and ever since 33 weeks the doctor has said no sex so I have a very sexually frustrated man. Lol
  • Ha I did the same thing I just always felt sick so I wouldn't wanna have sex but I'm 15weeks now and I'm starting to want to have sex all the time
  • Ha I did the same thing I just always felt sick so I wouldn't wanna have sex but I'm 15weeks now and I'm starting to want to have sex all the time
  • Im 26 weeks today and I can't see myself going without it. Seems I have to have it a few times a week sometimes a few times a day if Im really in the mood lol. But I've been like this through the whole pregnancy so far...
  • im 21 weeks and still scared to have sex
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