movement when should you be worried?

I'm 21w 5days and I really don't feel my lil girl move. I thought by now I would feel her a lot but this is my first so I know I might feel her later on but when should I be worried? I have a Dr appt on Thursday so I have to wait till then to see her or hear her heartbeat but I'm hoping this would ease my nervousness.


  • I didnt feel mine til 23 or 24 weeks... Like I felt weird stomach stuff before at 21 weeks but it didnt get regular and really noticeable til 23 or 24
  • Try laying flat and drinking cold water....
  • Eat an orange turn off the TV and put your phone down that's what I every time. My little man loves oranges :)
  • I've tried everything cold water, ice cream and sugary foods but only little flutters I'm just hoping she's ok..
  • oranges??? hmmm I have to try that one
  • If it's not uncomfortable for you, try laying on your stomach. I am 20 weeks on Sunday and they only time I even feel the small flutters with this baby is when I lay on my belly. Don't worry, you won't squish your baby ;p
  • It could be a lot of things, so don't stress yet. If you are heavier or if your placenta is more on the front of your uterus, it can be harder to feel. Mine is tilted, and I carry the baby more towards my back, so it's really hard to feel kicks. Last time, I almost never felt my daughter, she rarely kicked strong and I don't think we could have passed a kick test at any point and she was fine! Definitely ask your doctor about it (you might get an extra ultrasound, lol!) but it's probably nothing to be concerned about!
  • Everyone is different
  • Yu might feel her already and just dont notice it
  • Drs don't ask you to start counting kicks and keeping track of movement until around 28wks, up until then they still have plenty of room to hide. Don't stress :)
  • I am 21wk 1 day with my first I have felt my baby from 16wks. try chocolate/fizzy pop. I feel my lil girl everyday now. I have chocolate when I havent felt her for about 5 hours x hope u feel something soon its amazing. x
  • @tiff87124 this my first pregnancy and I've told myself not to worry because I've read a lot of things that say you don't feel or start showing as much or as fast as women in their second pregnancy.

    @Laura535 I just feel flutter here and there throughout the day but that's what I'm hoping will happen I want to see my baby girl again I'm crossing my fingers Dr says to get another sono.
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  • I started.feeling my baby at the end of 17thw. I'm now 19w and I feel him early in the am and late in the pm. Try laying on your tummy my baby Kicks when I do that.
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