leaking and pain througout the day

I've been having increased amount of discharge throughout the day every time she moves I leak a lot(not pee) and my lower tummy keeps getting real tight has only done this twice since 1 and I sometimes get a real Sharp stabbing pain in the vag area this has happened 3 or 4 times since 1 and I'm miserable when I walk ...could this be the beginning of labour or just part of being pregnant I'm due June 22 scheduled to get induced the 13 but doc says he don't think ill even make it to the 13 cause there's lines on my placenta ....sorry if tmi and so long just wondering if this is beginning of labour cause I was induced with my son and not sure


  • I hav a lot of extra discharge now I mean they'z been more than normal since iv been pregnant but now its extreme :( I'm 41 weeks today and its been like this for the last week.. ivhad contractions but nothing serious idk..
  • Yeah I've had increases discharge throughout the whole pregnancy but today I feel like I'm constantly soaked and liners aren't even taking the constant wet feeling away
  • yeah that's how I feel as well Its too the point that I thought maybe I was leaking fluid but at my ultrasound today they said everything measured fine.. I'm not sure what causes it..
  • Yeah I dunno either because that's what I was beginning to think ....just glad we only have a little bit longer left to go ...well ur over due are u gonna get induced if u don't go into labour soon ...good luck
  • Ugh, I'm only 30wk1dy and I've had so much discharge over the weekend I'm worried I might be leaking. I have an appt on Wednesday. I wish I was as far along as you two! :/
  • thankya I'm not sure though i had an ultrasound today and I guess they looked for him to do so many things in a half hour and he did everything he was supposed too.. I hav a doctors appt tomorrow hopefully theu schedule me to be induced :)
  • but I would tell ur doctor about it anyways. I meant to say that befor..
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