Preterm labor?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So, I'm a high risk patient already because my baby is measuring 3 weeks behind. I'm due to be induced in 3 days; I'm 36 weeks and 2 days right now. I think I may be having early preterm labor signs. Since I'm going to be induced in 3 days anyway, should I just embrace the contractions and wait as if I was full term? Here are my symptoms (havig these since 8:00pm last night): Menstrual like craps that come and go but I can not relieve them myself, i have to let them go away on their own; Dull low back pain that is constant but varies in intensity; Contractions that sometimes accompany the cramps and sometimes don't; Nausea; Low pelvic pressure; Increase in discharge (Reminds me of what I saw right before I lost my mucus plug with y first pregnancy); I wouldn't say any of it hurts but its pretty uncomfortable at this point, and I have tried laying on my left side, using a heating pack for cramps, ice pack on my neck to stop nausea, and moving around to stop contractions. So far the ice pack is all that stopped anything.


  • You could call your dr. Being high risk he may send you to l&d. If they're wanting to induce in 3 days chances are they will not stop it if your in labor.
  • Better to be safe, call the doc
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Update: I saw my doctor today. She was happy to tell me that I am a fingertip dilated and the cervadil that she thought I was going to have to have before my induction with pitocin was now not needed. Not in preterm labor, my body is prepping though.
  • How far along are you?
  • 36 weeks and 4 days today. induction is tomorrow. My baby has interuterine growth restriction so its smaller than it is supposed to be. They feel it is safer for the baby to be out rather than in at this point since my body could stop feeding the baby.
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