@mikeandronadopt I wouldn't necessarily say that people getting on here & asking questions Is bad (although to Me it is) every life that has been saved is a huge blessing!! But most women that get on here and post of abortion post for reassurance that abortion is okay &when women refuse to give them the "its okay" they want to get pissy. Abortion is not something to joke about ..meanwhile some women post for attention it seems like ... Abortion is so disgusting to me idk how its not illegal. Why someone would want to take away the precious gift of life from their own baby.. I will never understand ..just because you're not ready ..doesn't give you the right to kill your baby... call it whatever you want but when u break it down u are killing your baby.
what I mean by that is you dont know their situation. Maybe for you, the baby your holding could be born happy and healthy. What about rape pregnancies? What happens when the rape partner is a member of your family? What option WOULD YOU give them?
@angelsmommy yes I'm saying I will never tell women that previously had a abortion that it was okay... its not!! &some women get on here posting about aborting as if it is no big deal & what not... I can't even think about it ..it brings chills to me.
Maybe for you its ok to raise a child at 14, so you would keep the baby, but what if someone views that differently? If all their lives theyve tried to make their parents proud and telling them theyre pregnant would reject them and want nothing to do with them. Keeping the child may give them a reason to become depressed and suicidal. Not every is LIKE YOU. Not as strong AS YOU.
The problem on pregly is many women are PISSY and give unnecessary comments towards peoples posts, because they dont agree and arent even open minded nor try to be. Its a forum. Like I said before... life isnt always butterflies and roses. Its life.
Abortion is so disgusting to me idk how its not illegal. Why someone would want to take away the precious gift of life from their own baby.. I will never understand ..just because you're not ready ..doesn't give you the right to kill your baby... call it whatever you want but when u break it down u are killing your baby.
I can't even think about it ..it brings chills to me.
The problem on pregly is many women are PISSY and give unnecessary comments towards peoples posts, because they dont agree and arent even open minded nor try to be. Its a forum. Like I said before... life isnt always butterflies and roses. Its life.