group b strep

edited May 2011 in Health
Am a little scared. Was told 2wks ago i hav group b strep and nt to worry. Then i look it up on the internet and it says loads of scary stuff :( anyone else with the same?


  • I just had to take mine last Tuesday (36wks)...haven't heard anything back yet
  • i had it with dd. now again with this one. they confirmed it at 8 weeks. and i got the lecture "go to the hospital as soon as water breaks " my water has broke with both of my older kids so the expect it to break again.
  • as long as u get antibiotics while n labor everything should b ok. ;)
  • Yea but when i had my 1st i was only in labour 26 mins so what would happen if i didnt get the antibiotics on time
  • edited May 2011
    I believe they would treat the baby afterwards if u don't get the treatment... I'm not too sure bcuz with my first I was induced n had time to get the antibiotics (which is a 4hr treatment) n this time it seems like he's coming on his own I just don't want to go in too late
  • I have it no big deal they give meds during labor.
  • I had it with my first when I delivered & didn't know my daughter was born with Meningitis and had to stay in for 2 weeks...... So every birth after that I have to inform the hospital during delivery that I'm positive for group b n they will give me antibiotics. As long as ur aware u have nothing to worry about
  • Hope not.thanks guys <3
  • I had it with my daughter and was suppose to have iv antibiotics as well... my labor was so rapid that my doctor said there was no time for it to pass...

    Also group b strep comes and goes, you may not have it every pregnancy.. or at least this is what I was told
  • A 26 min labor??? UMMM how did you pull that off???? I mean I only pushed twice but I was in labor for hours haha
  • 26 mins. Wel 20mins contractions,6 mins pushing. It was very quick,and didnt hav time 4 any pain relief :-(
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