birth plan ladies????

edited May 2011 in First time moms
Hello ladies, have you been thinking about your birth plan? I have and I will be writing mine soon but want to make sure that I don't miss anything important.....what will you want in your birth plan? And if you have done it already then what's important to put in it?


  • The most important thing for me is who will be in the room with me other then that that the baby never leaves my site. I don't really care about anything else really n it looks like my fiance made up his mind for me n says he is the only one that will be in the room.... I wanted my mom in there too but he said he can't stand her n that he gets a say too err....
  • edited May 2011

    These should help :) .forms you can print out and its a check list and you can sit down and go over it with you OB/midwife
  • Scheduled c section :(
  • The only thing I'm really concerned with is that I don't want pitocin this time. It made my contractions sooo much worse the last time I was pregnant. Do I need to write a birth plan if that's the only stipulation I have?
  • I have some friends that watched "the business Of being born" and changed everything about their plan. If you r close to giving birth then watch that movie afgerwards :)
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  • @mommakk88 I plan on making the baby stay beside me at all times too. Might be hard though if I'm really tired
  • Ahendricks09 that's perfect, thank you. I really need the help
  • @armywife3 I doubt it if that's it but ask your midwife
  • I put mine on note cards. One for labor and one for after baby is born. I just put the basics everything else they will ask you. It's also recommended to keep it one page so they can scan through quickly
  • @homebirthadvocate wow you have given me a lot to start with. That's great, I'm about to write it in draft then type it up but please tell me, what's the vitamin k for? Plus is it better to just cut the cord immediately?
  • @coolbabybeans I plan on keeping it one page when finished lol
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  • @yummymummy1 I hear ya but that's wat my fiance is for :) lol the place I am going to deliver they said the only time they take them is to test their breathing n such but they said my fiance or I if I feel up to it can go too but when my cousin gave birth the baby never left the room at all n there was always a nurse popin in every ten min or so to see if she needed anything that's wat I want lol
  • My first go was 5 pages then I got it down to 3 and then they got misplaced so I just jotted it down on note cards fast and simple.
  • In that case, my baby will get vitamin k @homebirthadvocate plus what's this about having an injection to deliver the placenta? Is this not something that happens naturally
  • My birthing plan is have my bf and mom there and give me the epidural AS SOON as it is possible. Simple.
  • My plan so far:

    No epidural - don't ask me
    No pitocin - don't ask me
    No IV - don't ask unless %100 necessary
    Mom and bf in room
    I don't really want give birth laying down, I'd rather try and squat on the bed.
    Baby directly to skin
    Don't cut cord till its done pulsing
    Yes to binky, but not till I say.
    In room procedures (sounds nice)

    I'm making 2 paper copies, and a poster to hang in the room :) doesn't hurt to be stern for the biggest moment of yours, the baby and daddy's life.
  • i really like this one, it is very comprehensive and easy to fill out!
  • @caroline8p I love your birth plan, well most of it and it seems we have some things in common birth plan wise. Lol
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  • i have chosen the oral administration of vitamin K, as it seems to be a much lower dose. is that agreeable to you, @HomeBirthAdvocate ? :)
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  • I am high risk, so there are only certain things I can have on mine. But I am asking that the cord not be cut until it stops pulsing and that my little one not get the eye drops right away. Other then that I do not really have a whole lot of options.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate i will probably also take a vitamin k supplement, since i plan on exclusively breastfeeding, which should act as an acceptable backup if it is not digested well.
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate yeah, from what i have read it says if you breastfeed and supplement with it, the baby gets some but not as high a dose as with formula, so it still falls below the "recommended" amount. but if i do both, i think it will work!
  • both meaning the oral dose and the breastmilk supplement.
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  • @homebirthadvocate what exactly do the eye drops do?
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