Maybe a dumb question but what influences baby's size???



  • Ha @ExcitedForOctober! Its alright were allowed to be grumpy! As of this morning i am back to my exact weight of when i got pregnant so i would love to know how this baby is so big!!
  • I was 5lbs 1oz and am 5'5 now I hope genetics do work for me! Doctor said since my mom was 5 weeks early with both me and my brother I should be too.
  • I was born almost 2 mons premie and weighed only 4lbs... My hunny weighed 10bs...i I'm hoping our little girl meets in the middle of the 2.both are a bit of a scary baby weight. :p
  • My husband was 14# 7oz his mom is like 5ft tall and his lil brother was 11# something and she had them natural. Our son was 6# 15.9oz. I think its luck really.
  • I was 9lbs 4oz when I was born but I think it was because I was overdue and they didn't induce back then like they do now
  • My daughter was 7 lbs even son 5 lbs 4 oz. Big difference. I think its all luck! I hope im lucky this time lol! No bigger thn 7 plz!
  • I weighed 1 lb 12 oz, and gave birth to a 10 lb 12 oz girl! I make big babies lol... I'm 9 w with this one so I have awhile to go.
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