so valentines day is here
and this is my first v day alone in 5 years i was with the same man, excuse me i mean boy, since sophmore year in hs and he left because I'm pregnant 
I'm so sad i when to the grocery store to pick up some stuff and i saw these 2 buddies buying flowers and chocolates for their gfs and i got to my car and started crying i miss him so much and i shouldn't because hes done so many mean things to me, abandoning me bc I'm pregnant was the worst thing he's done.
I hate being alone I'm so depressed anyone else feel this way? Am i crying alone this year?

I'm so sad i when to the grocery store to pick up some stuff and i saw these 2 buddies buying flowers and chocolates for their gfs and i got to my car and started crying i miss him so much and i shouldn't because hes done so many mean things to me, abandoning me bc I'm pregnant was the worst thing he's done.
I hate being alone I'm so depressed anyone else feel this way? Am i crying alone this year?
Spend it on a date with yourself! Buy your fave food, watch your fave movie, & just relax. Or have your best mate come over?
Just remember that you don't need a "valentine" to be loved. :X
Valentine's is kinda stupid anyway, honestly...I've always had a Valentine and still never done anything...imo its something for high school kids. Sorry if that's my b!tch opinion....every year for me its just been there for the day after to go buy cheap Reese's pb hearts and cups. Helllllllls yes!
I feel like the lamest person in the world right now.
and i really hate my ex i can't even think about what he's probably doing with god knows who.
Maybe its the hormones but this is genuinaly breaking my heart.
Try not to get stressed or sad, the baby will feel it. Maybe spend the night making him a Valentine's card, just for baby, put it in your journal or nursery or with his things. :X
i think I'm dealing with something more than v day blues I'm really really depressed have been for a while
And i wanted to talk to my dr about it last appt but he wasn't there so i only saw the nurse practioner and she didn't make me feel comfortable to open up so i didn't say anything.
My next appt isn't till march 10 i just don't know what to do I'm more sad everyday.
is this normal for being pregnant?
Keep your head up, be strong(:
Sending you lots of love. :x
Its funny when i had a valentine, then valenines day wasn't really a huge thing bc i had my love with me already but now that I'm one of the single gals everywhere i turn is v day this and lover that
Well hey i need to come up with something positive now i just got off a really long shift at work its 8 am now and really windy outside fun to watch my pups playing in it outside i got a cinnamon bagel in my hand and cable company is finally coming to install my dish so no more having to watch only 3 different channels! Lol