Baby has a little liquid on his kidneys??

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Im 33 weeks pregnant and I'm having a boy. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and my Dr told me that the baby has a little liquid on his kidneys, and that it wasnt anything mayor, she said its kind of normal on boys, but she wilk keep an eye on it. I went to another ultrasound on Friday and now tge baby has a little bit more liquid, but nothing serious. She said that if he accumulates a lot of liquid there they are going to have to do surgery as soon as he is born :( I really hope and pray that doesnt happen, but has anyone been on the same situation as me??


  • Yes, only I'm having a girl. I was diagnosed with it around 22 weeks, and I was devastated. Most cases will cure themselves before birth, and are not that major to require surgery. As of 38 weeks, she is pretty much back to normal sized kidneys. You may want them to refer you to a pediatric urologist and they can look at your us in more depth. Hugs, it will get better :)
  • @eiralynnesmommy I really hope it goes back to normal, this is the first boy in the family and it worries me that there might be something wrong with him. I will def let my high risk Dr if she can refer me to a pediatric urologist. Thanks a lot! :)
  • @semperfiwife did they tell you the measurements at all? There is a huge variance of what normal can be considered.
  • My baby girl has kidney issues. It started with her kidney being enlarged at my 18wk ultrasound and we have since learned she has a duplex collection system. My little girl already has an appointment at the childrens hospital with a renal specialist when she's 1 week old. Its been stressful for sure but I've just accepted that there's nothing I can do. Good luck I hope your little boy's corrects itself and you have no further issues with it :)
  • @eiralynessmommy she never mentioned any measurement, the baby is been normal up to this point that she found out about his kidneys. Dr told me that it wasnt serious so far, and that usually boys get this, she said she is going to keep an eye on it. Next time I get an ultrasound I will ask her that, hopefully by then his kidneys will be normal again.

    @rockinmomma thank you so much! I hope everything goes well with your little girl :)
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