I'm due dec 30 th, and I'm also uncomfortable. My pants aren't fitting well either! No m./s either! I'm surprised had it every single day with my first super bad.
aww congrats i had my 1st baby on christmas day, best present ever! shes 14 this yr and hates her bday being that day, im sure its just her age though, hormonal teen lol
Hi everyone! our first baby is due Christmas Eve! Already planning to celebrate "half birthdays" in june, I can see how having a Christmas season bday could kinda suck for some kids...so we'll work around it
lol Christmas eve is also my due date :-) whether or not my buhbuh is born on the 24th, it's still our christmas present :-D if it werent because i had to deploy, i wouldnt have known i was pregnant either til the day i delivered or got my belly XD