any one due in oct :)



  • I'm due October 17th with my second munchkin. Hoping to give my daughter a little brother. Never was sick with her but lately been sick and exhausted so far. Best wishes to all the mamas! ;)
  • @mybambino28 when did u test positive ?
  • edited February 2011
    @bananaspliff Just this past friday with first response early result digital
  • I am due on the 14th october, the day before my parents are Finally getting married..
  • I'm due Oct 17th with our first. And we are so excited.
  • Im due october 16th. Just found out and that happens to be the day after our wedding that I have been planning since september! guess we are moving that up! We are so excited tho
  • @mybambino28 lol I didn't test yet but my EDD is Oct 26 too so I think I'm gonna test asap :) congratz tho
  • my edd is oct. 20. Dad and I are super exited, cautious about spreading the news bc we have had 2 previous miscarriages. We are praying all goes well for a h&h 9 months and we will be blessed with our first baby. Blessings to all the mommies out there!
  • @bananaspliff I also took an ept yesterday take a test tomorrow morning thanks and good luck :)
  • Im due on the 14th, dont know the sex yet
  • Im due on the 14th too :) its also my hubbys bday :)
  • I am due October 8th too :-) and expecting my 2nd child, we are super excited! A lil nervous because with my son I was sick all the time, and now I am feeling nauseous but not actually getting sick. Also noticing cramps more so now then with my first. Anyone else on baby #2 and seem like you feel more this time around?
  • ,@proudmama2308 I totally feel more this time around this also being my 2nd I have.been incredibly crampy and.with my son I was.sick all the time n had insomnia this time is way dif I knew I was preg right away was extremly hungry n tiard lol idk how tp explain it other than I just feel everything way more lol
  • Oh thank you so much Ladynplus1momma! You def have me way more at ease now :) I was concerned maybe something was wrong, and I also knew right away with this one.. Wish you the best of luck!! <3
  • Due October 15 with our first! Super nervous and getting bad cramps.. is this normal?
  • I'm due October 27th! I tested on Saturday the 12, and again on Sunday the 13th. I got 5 BFP's and AF isn't even due till tomorrow. So excited. This will be our first. We are just hoping baby and I both stay healthy! Good luck to the rest of you! :* Happy Valentine's Day!
  • I'm due October 7th with my second baby not sure if that is exactly right going to the doctor soon to find out by sono!! But I am very excited!!! My little man needs a baby sister or brother to play with!!!
  • Due around Oct 20 :)
  • Due Oct 15th but will know for sure next Wednesday... @jodi102011 same here heart burn is killing me ... nausea is bad .. with my first I threw up 8 out of 9 months .. this one is off to a better start :)
  • @newmomma15 I have had cramping .. but what they have told me as long as its not unbearable or with blood its ok.. just take it easy get plenty of rest and drink a lot a lot of water
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  • Im due October 20. Me and my husband couldn't be more excited its our first child. I haven.t had morning sickness yet but i do have cramps my boobs are really sore and i stay tired
  • We're due October 10th. Secretly hoping it comes in September tho :-)
  • Hello every one due oct.16th no ultrasound confirmation yet but keepin my fingers crossed!
  • Im due Oct 14th this my third one I have 2 girls we want a BOY lol whatever come out we will be happy
  • New here but my edd is the 25th of oct. Took a test sunday came back neg. Suppose to start thursday but not haven't showed any preperiod signs. The waiting is killing me.
  • Im due oct 8th with my second child !!!
  • @cali83 - congrats! I'm due October 18th also with our first! Having trouble getting it to sink in still, but SO excited... :-) Are you having any symptoms yet?
  • Oct 10th:) super exited good luck to all with the little ones! :)
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