weight!!!!! :(

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
Is anyone else on this sight over 200 pounds ? I'm scared of just exploding in weight gain .


  • Uh yeah way over. I have no functioning thyroid and they refused to test it for five months of me begging. The doc also prescribed extra calcium with incorrect instructions on taking it which binds to thyroid meds and makes it less effective. Now I am huge. Less than 7 weeks to go and they just now decided to test me to see that I was extremely low with my levels. Man,am I angry.
  • I was 214 when I found out I was pregnant and had just lost 12 lbs. I'm now 13 weeks and had only gained a pound at my last Dr. visit, but feel my stomach is much bigger and am afraid for the next weight check! I also have a thyroid issue; hypothyroidism but have been seeing a specialist, so it's under control.
  • I don't know of any thyroid issues. I never checked up on it . That's y I'm also nervous about my first app I feel like ill just get bad news !:(
  • With my 1st I started out 130 lbs ended up 196 and she was born 4 weeks and 1 day early mine was mostly water weight I'm 5' 9" and looked like a blow fish!
  • I started out as 132lbs & am now 33 weeks. I currently weigh 165lbs. My doctor has been stressing that I've gained too much weight for my height, because I'm 5'4. I on the other hand think I'm healthy. I've only gained weight in my belly, because you can't tell I'm pregnant at all from the back. Does anyone else see this as an issue or do you think I'm healthy?
  • I am at 197 lbs & am only 6 wks preg. I'm terrified of weight gain cuz I hate what my weight is now. :(
  • @412mommy I think you sound healthy I was sickly I'm 5' 9" and started out 130 but gained literally 60+ and she was born early, then lost most of it right after, I wouldn't worry.
  • I was 219 a few months ago and when I found out I was pregnant in november I was down to 194. I miscarried and got pregnant again in December. I'm not souter how much I weigh right nite and don't want to know, I'd promised myself my weight would never start with a 2 again. Fail. I know I've had to gain all my weight nahhh already...at 7 weeks.
  • I started at 135 with my first pregnancy and by the time I delivered I was 197!! I'm only 5 4 so this was a lot on my frame. Within 4 months after having her I got down to 120lbs again. Now I'm pregnant with baby #2 I'm 13 weeks and have gained about 10lbs already! I have to slow down!
  • I started my first pregnancy at 155 or so and ended it at 215ish-my son was gargantuan at nearly 11lbs. I lost about 15lbs of it in the last 4 years. I lost 20lbs when I got pregnant with my second son and delivered him at my prepregnancy weight (around 200), and then lost about 5lbs. I actively started trying to lose weight-cut calories dramatically, started exercising and eating healthy foods, and cut out all drinks but water-about 5 months before I got pregnant this time. I didn't even lose a pound! I was so mad! So far, since I got pregnant, I've lost 5lbs. I don't get it. After this baby's born I think I'm going to a nutritionist because obviously I can't do it on my own. So frustrating! I'm not worried about being fat and pregnant, though. As long as you eat healthy and don't go crazy, you won't gain weight that you're not supposed to. I think the rule of thumb (tho not true for every circumstance) is to only take in about 500 calories more per day than normal.
  • I feel like a fat cow! Ugh
  • I weigh a lot and I'm only 5 4 :( how much exercise is still ok for baby ? I hear jogging is bad . What can I do ?
  • Its all worth it for my baby!
  • walking n swimming are fine
  • I have decided not to stress about my weight and just try really hard not to over eat. I've been sick a lot & nothing sounds good so it's working well so far!
  • I am overweight and 22weks pregnant I was in the middle of a weight loss program when I found out I was preggy
    .Somedays I feel really sad because most people unless they know me can't tell I'm pregnant they just think I'm really fat. I have only gained 5lbs but my stomach is strange and huge definitely not a cute baby bump.
  • I'm only about right weeks prego, and still weigh the 175 I did before I got prego. But I'm 5 foot 10 inches so thats not really overweight for me. I hope to only gain 25 pounds and not go over 200. I'm only eating about half the size of a meal that I did before I got prego, idk why I just can't eat more than that.
  • I'm almost 190 at 5'9" so I am a little overweight for my frame. I decided to join weight watchers since you can do their program while preggo. I also joined a gym so I can at least walk or bike since its snow and ice everywhere outside! Not gaining anymore fat pounds!!! Lol
  • Did weight watchers let you sign up pregnant? I heard they only have a program for nursing moms....I was doing weight watchers pre pregnancy and worry about what I will gain.
  • I am 5'3 and weigh 138 now I was. 131 to begin with and I'm 14 weeks not sure how much to gain..I should try to stay under what weight? I have no doctor as of now switched and military medical sucks
  • Im 5'7 and 235. 7 weeks pregnant.
  • I am currently 228 and 9 weeks pregnant. I had just lost 50 lbs in the past year, so far I have only gained 3 lbs. I hope I don't gain more than 20 but I think thats a long shot. I just purchased a pregnancy yoga video and do stuff on wii fit that doesn't involve more contact than walking. I would love to walk outside but prefer not to be a frozen popsicle.
  • Well I started out about 200 lbs and I have so far only gained 18 lbs and im 7 months preg.
  • I gained 75lbs with my first. Still had 40lbs to go. I now am 12 weeks and gaining like crazy. I am so upset. I wont let my husband look at me naked! Its really making me sad. I don't eat like crazy.
  • I'm 5'3 and weighed 126 before I got pregnant. I'm now almost 27 weeks and only weigh 139. I don't look anywhere near. 7 months but my baby is the size he should be. But everyone says things about me not being big enough. Anyone else have this issue?
  • Ya know, everyone is different, and every pregnancy is different! Honestly I think if baby is healthy and you're healthy who cares. Weight is just a number, and something that can be changed after pregnancy, but until then don't worry about it. Its different if your doctor is majorly concerned. I am pregnant with my 2nd and I know it sucks to see the numbers on the scale go up, but make yourself feel better by getting new shoes, or something do something for yourself!!!
  • Well I started out about 200 lbs and I have so far only gained 18 lbs and im 7 months preg.

  • Keeping the house
  • Im worried about my weight too, as im only 6 weeks pregnant and seemed to of put on so much weight, i went on the wii fit today and said id put 3 pounds on since sunday and im eating a balanced diet and doing abit of calm exercise....I just hope i dont get too big as i have put on 1 stone in past 3 months and this isnt even due to being pregnant....
    really scared of getting overweight, how much are you supposed to weigh for an healthy birth?
  • I started out overweight, didn't plan on this one (will be number 4) and have dropped 20 lbs in 12 weeks. Seems the only time I can lose weight is whe n prego. Don't want to hurt the baby, but don't want to get any fatter either.
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