UPDATE!!! my amnio and induction!
I just had an amnio and it hurt. I thought it wouldn't hurt this much. My dr did a great job. The absolutely worst part was when he had to go through my uterus and get the amniotic fluid. It hurt and I couldn't breath. Now my uterus and back are cramping like period cramps. Ouch!! If any of you have to have one I hope u mentally prepare better then I did!
@kaylin I will get my results this afternoon any time from 3-5. Then my dr will let me know if I get induced today, tomorrow or Thursday! Are u excited for friday?? How far along are u??
@mommyoftwoprincesses thank u very much!! I'll update everyone asap!
We are going in to the hospital.at 6:30 tonight and I will be induced first thing in the morning!! I am so.excited and nervous!! Yay I get to.meet my baby girl tomorrow!!
I have had one dose of the pill that softens my cervix and i'll have another in a few minutes. I started having contractions but im not feeling them yet. I was walking around and sitting on a birthing ball! So far its been absolutely great!!! Thank you all again!! I'll update you all as often as I can!!
@preggointx thank u!! It's going great so far!! Im praying it keeps going well!!