I have been awake since 3:00 am with thee worst heartburn I have ever had its making me gag and almost throw up, I wish I could throw up. Its now 4:30 and I have to go to work at 8! I never imagened working at 31 weeks would be this hard... Does anyone else have these issues?!


  • I get it after almost every meal. U don't have any tums or mylanta
  • I have nothing! Ive been drinking milk I heard that is supposed to help but so far nothing is this just going to get worse?
  • Get u some tums. Those will b ur best friend !!!
  • @chelseamarie i know how you feel im 33weeks pregnant and last night i didnt go to bed till 3.30am because of my heartburn, nothing works for me at all. iv tried gaviscon, milk, mints, chewing gum and rennie tablets noting works and it gets worse EVERY time i eat even if its mint icecream or milk or something ike that. i hate it...
  • I take ranitidine when mine gets bad
  • I totally feel ya i was told zantac by my doc sometimes it helps sometimes not take tums on top of it. Heard that the mylanta is suppose to be better but it wasn't one of the things that doc said I could take have appointment today so i'm gonna ask
  • Call your dr & tell them how bad it is & ask for a script for Zantac (Ranitidine is the generic version) I take 150m cuz I suffer from ulcers when I'm pregnant.
  • I have horrible heartburn that keeps me up at night too!! I called my doctor and had her call in a script for me and she gave me Fimodidine! It works wonders!! Although it does give me headaches or intenseifies the headaches I already have
  • I got this herbal tea @ babies r us for heart burn or I drank milk that helped & try not to drink/eat too soon before you go to sleep
  • Prop yourself up with pillows, don't lie flat. The problem is that the further along you get the higher up baby pushes your stomach, so when you lie down the acid in your stomach literally spills out into your throat. Also try not to drink too much liquid. Liquid causes your stomach to produce more acid. My best friend in the world is zantac 150 my dr recommended it and it is the ONLY thing that has givin me relief. Good luck! On the plus side they say heart burn means your baby will have lots of hair :)
  • Yea I stay wit heart burn but tums been my best friend since I found out I was pregnant n that's y I had heartburn it sucks I'm also 31w I think that is the only complaint I have wit being pregnant shoot bf complains too he hates to see me n pain.
  • I get it bad like that try drinking a glass of milk really helps me
  • If u take mylanta for a long period of time it gives u the shits. It did me. Zantac is great. Tums wud work for a couple of hrs and it wud come back again. I'm 2 days shy of 37 weeks, and man it kills me all the time.
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