UPDATE!!! my amnio and induction!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
I just had an amnio and it hurt. I thought it wouldn't hurt this much. My dr did a great job. The absolutely worst part was when he had to go through my uterus and get the amniotic fluid. It hurt and I couldn't breath. Now my uterus and back are cramping like period cramps. Ouch!! If any of you have to have one I hope u mentally prepare better then I did!


  • Aw I'm sorry >:D< I didn't think it hurt at all! Guess that just goes to prove everyone really is different. Im glad it went well though!
  • @kansaamomma when do u get ur results? Expected induction date? I get to go fri :)
  • @rockinmomma Thank u! yea I think it was my nerves and pressure that made it hurt. I was really nervous.

    @kaylin I will get my results this afternoon any time from 3-5. Then my dr will let me know if I get induced today, tomorrow or Thursday! Are u excited for friday?? How far along are u??
  • Its possible it hurts worse the further along you are. I mean there's a big difference between being 24wks like I was and being at the end of your pregnancy. At least you get to meet your little one soon!! I'm jealous :D keep us updated!!
  • @rockinmomma yea that's true!! I feel like a big baby since im.complaining so much. I'll definitely keep u updated!! Im so excited to have my baby girl!!
  • I feel stupid for asking but I thought they did amnios earlier in the pregnancy. Just out of curiosity, why do they do it in the end? Wont they know whatever they need to know when the baby comes out in a few days?
  • Good luck hun, keep us updated on what you find out! :D
  • @vtmamajuju they did the amnio on me because I have to deliver early because im high risk. They did it to make sure her lungs are fully developed. I'll get the results this afternoon, in the next few hrs actually!! Early on in pregnancy amnios are done to test for downs syndrome and other diseases. In the third trimester they are done to see how developed the baby is!

    @mommyoftwoprincesses thank u very much!! I'll update everyone asap!
  • @kansasmomma I cant wait to hear ur results. Please keep me posted..i can not wait till friday. Im scheduled at noon for c section I will be 38 weeks 5 days... Keep me posted...yea we r finally at the end...
  • @kaylin my amnio came back positive, her lungs are fully developed!! Yea we're finally going to.meet our babies!! Im so excited for the both of us!!

    We are going in to the hospital.at 6:30 tonight and I will be induced first thing in the morning!! I am so.excited and nervous!! Yay I get to.meet my baby girl tomorrow!!
  • Yay!!! Congrats hun!! :D I hope I get good news at my appointment tomorrow, im 39 weeks 1 day and need some labor dust!
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses I am sending u as much baby dust as possible!! Good luck!! Let me know if anything changes!!!
  • Im so excited for you!! I'll be thinking bout you tomorrow and sending lots of good, safe labor dust to you!! Try and get lots of rest tonight, good luck!! %%-
  • Thanks hun and I will for sure, praying you have a quick, easy, and safe delivery! :)
  • Yay..... Im so excited for you!! How far along r u? Im 37 weeks my dr is inducing me @ 39 weeks due to large baby. Cant wait to hear you had her!
  • @kansasmomma...i am so thankful that you posted this because my amnio is scheduled for 6-28 and induction hopefully that night...i wil take whatever info you have gorry detail and all
  • @2girls1boy oh the amnio is scary but you'll get the results fast so it makes it better! I think the most painful part was when the needle when through my uterus. It was a ton of pressure but only a 4 out of 10 on a pain scale. Its more scary then it was painful. You will do fine!! If u have any questions please fill free to ask!! Oh and congrats on ur baby!! Im excited for u!!
  • Yay! Good luck wirh the delivery of your baby!!! Keep us updated plz! :)
  • @rockinmomma @momma_luvz_her_4 @mommyoftwoprincesses thank you all!! Im so excited! I should be trying to sleep but im too excited!! Im 38w1d!!

    I have had one dose of the pill that softens my cervix and i'll have another in a few minutes. I started having contractions but im not feeling them yet. I was walking around and sitting on a birthing ball! So far its been absolutely great!!! Thank you all again!! I'll update you all as often as I can!!
  • @onemoreontheway thank u so much!! So far its great and everyone is really nice!
  • Yay!! Im so happy for you hun. Everything sounds like its going perfect!! :D those birthing balls are AMAZING! :D and they help a ton!
  • Good luck glad everything went well
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses yes they do!! I love the birthing ball!! I'll keep u updated as much as possible!!

    @preggointx thank u!! It's going great so far!! Im praying it keeps going well!!
  • Yay!! :) I loved my birthing ball the first time around too, so much I bought one to have at home this time around at 35 weeks! My 16 month old sits on my lap when im on it. Lmao. Im so excite for your updates! Remember to relax and sleep as much as possible before your contractions get stronger hun!
  • Im glad you're having a good experience so far! I will be looking for your updates :) what are you naming your girl?
  • Im so excited for you and kinda jealous cause I want to be done!
  • Great! I cant wait to hear your big news!
  • @kansasmoma thinking about and praying for u. Hope ur day goes well. Cant wait for an update.. Hugs and love r sent ur way..
  • Hey ladies I selpt off and on with contractions and at 8:00 my dr broke my water!! I have been what feels like peeing my self since! I get to take a warm shower and get cleaned up in a few min!! Thank you all for keeping me in ur thoughts and prayers!! I'll update y'all when I can!!
  • Yay!! Im so excited! Breaking your water for sure feels like peeing yourself! Lol I leaked for 13 hours after my doctor broke mine, so I know how you feel. Be careful in the shower, those contractions might hit you hard. Good luck and congrats hun! :)
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