hoping for an october baby!!

edited January 2011 in Trying to conceive
My boyfriend and I have just started and we think we might have succeeded! I took a blood test last week and it was negative, but we think we may have tested too early.. my doctor said to test a week after my next period is due if I don't get it. 5 days till I'm suppost to be due.

Any one know some good tricks to conceive?


  • We r hopeing to get pregnant this month too. Good luck. :)
  • Same to you!
  • Good luck ladies. I'm trying as well. Af should b here thr 19th. I hope it doesn't come. *babydusttoall*
  • Download the app mydays you can track periods and ovulation. It gives you your most fertile days. I conceived the day before I ovulated :)
    good luck!!!! :D
  • I found that I got pregnant a week or 2 after I finished my period and now I'm 32 weeks pregnant! It was very unexpected I got pregnant a month after my wedding! I didn't follow any app idk when I'm fertile lol I just think its the will of God
  • Don't get right up after. Wait at least 30 minutes. Also try to elevate your pelvis. Good luck!!
  • My husband and I are expecting our new baby Oct 6....my biggest tip is after sex avoid getting up let the sperm remain in, also do a fertility calculator online and have sex 24hrs before you start ovulation
  • We are trying too! We have been trying for 16 months & are praying this is our month: ) Good Luck!!!
  • Good luck all of you! I used a menstration app and within the 1st month or using it I got pregnant. We tried for a year and miscarried last Jan now I am 26 weeks. And I read and practiced do not get up right after intercourse, lay there for at least 15 mins. I hope it happens for all of you!
  • @celestee if you don't already get you an account on http://www.countdowntopregnancy.com. I had the MyDays app and I had to adjust it every month. I kept missing when I o'd. But the very 1st cycle I used that website we conceived. Supposed to be 5 weeks today but I'm going through a miscarriage. I am not going to ttc anymore but that site is an awesome resource. Especially if you know the length of your cycle, etc.

    Good luck.
  • I downloaded the app my days and when I was fertile and we had sex I would put my legs up on the wall lol really random but b4 I started doing this it was 6 months we were trying then bam lol hope this helps (:
  • Thanks!!! I'm late for my period by 5 days! Testing soon!
  • We are trying also and this app says today is the daywe get preggs. So crossing my fingers!!!
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    DH and I are TTC as well! AF is due on the 16th. Praying she stays away! Good luck to all of you!
  • 6 days late and nothing happening.. does anyone think I should test? I'm so scared its going to be negative again... :(
  • My af is 5 days late but home kit result negative so far. Praying for a positive when I test again next week if no af
  • @celestee it drove me crazy not to test, but I didn't because like you I was afraid it would be negative again. After feeling under the weather for an extended period I thought I should rule it out and it was positive. I hope yours is positive too :)
  • thanks @ginmae78, I'm feeling pretty crummy!
  • @celestee Buy a box with more than one test and then save the others for a few days later. Do you have a history of irregular periods? Make sure the test you buy is an early response because they're more sensitive, do it in the morning, and try to find digital because they are easy to read. Don't get discouraged!
  • @magcaw the tests we get in packs of two maximum and they cost heaps.. I have one left but i'm too scared to 'waste' it in case its negative. Its an early response test too. The digital ones cost $21 each here cause they're only a few years old so the one i have is just a line test. I should buy a 10 pack online so i can do one a day! lol.. I think I'm going to do it tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
  • They're insanely expensive here too, I bought them after getting very faint positives just to be sure I read it right. Good luck! Keep us posted!
  • the dollar store tests are only $1 and they work great! believe me i know lol.i have probably used 100 of those things and when im preg i get positive a week before my missed periods. good luck
  • Hope you're pregnant!!! You and your boyfriend will be the cutest parents ever!!
  • Thanks @wildflowermomma (if you were saying that to me..) Now we play the waiting game!!! Again....
  • Don't be afraid to test early! Just buy the cheap ones. I tested 4 days before AF was expected and I got my BFP! Good Luck and I hope the best for all of you!
  • We are trying too! I've taken 3 test all neg but I have so many symptoms
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