Cute congrats! I get to see my baybay tomorrow & I'm so excited I'm hoping it's a boy also 8-> at my 15 week u/s my dr said she was pretty confident it's a boy!
Novalee is from my alp time favorite movie where the heart is! It means chasinf butterflies: ) and Jessica is my best friend since elementary school: )
due oct 21.. ugh .. i have to wait till june 13th to find out ... i didnt even ask at my last us waht it looked like i was only 13wks.. but i hear alot of girls on here saying how the found out that early.. i didnt want to get my hopes up so i cant wait.. good luck girll.. im hopeing for a girl this time.. but not counting on it.. lol.. i have two boys and have the thought in my mind im not ever gonna have a girl.. lol
I am due the 30th ans I am having a girl. Found out at 15 weeks. I am going to have a u/s on the 9th at the doctor's office. We will see if they were right LOL!
Ummm October 30th!! Its 10 days later but hey it can happen any time...congratulations on ya baby!! I'm on team blue..just found out it was a special moment!!