sh!t... TB

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
So the guy who drives my vanpool has had this cough all year. I ride shotgun and he has been out a week and we are friends. So I called him to see how he is doing. He just found out he has a confirmed case of Tuberculosis. now the CDC is contacting everyone he has been in contact with and putting them in quarantine until cleared up or negative diagnosis. WTF??? I don't need this... Waiting for call back from doctor now... Scared as hell.


  • Oh wow.. How do you catch tb? Is it in the air?
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  • edited June 2011
    I guess it is airborne or something. I mean I sit next to him so I come in contact with mist everything he does so anything he coughed on. Even when you try your hardest to cover your mouth, coughs go everywhere. :( he is a smoker for years so we were all scared it was lung cancer. I am do glad it isn't, but now I am scared for my baby!
  • Scary! Be sure ad go through the testing. I hope its all negative! I am hoping he was a good cougher and cougheed into his sleeve! Let us know what the doc says.
  • Oh no! :-S

    I hope everything is ok!
  • edited June 2011
    I will def keep you all updated. I never thought about TB!!!
  • Same sort of thing: my sister was very sick and was a smoker. After 8 months we got her to ER without her permission (called 911, she's 24).. they said TB. She spread It to my 2 year old daughter, and two younger brothers. Its horrible. However, my other siblings and daughter do not have active TB, so they're on antibiotics for 9 months to make sure it goes still sucks, but we were blessed. Hubby and I are negative....--- if You have it and your lungs are clear, they may wait till after baby for meds because the meds are pretty serious antibiotics. Hope you're okay!
  • @phillips, that is reassuring actually bc I have never coughed up blood or anything except when allergies had me congested. I hope my lungs are clear!!! Stupid doctor on lunch... :/
  • Except that if I do have it and I can't take meds until after baby, do you think they'd keep me in isolation like they are him???
  • They'll probably only do that if it's active. I had it when I was young but it was dormant so I couldn't give it to anyone. But if your coughing,up blood or anything it's active and that's when you can spread it
  • So, idiot nurse called me back. Told me I could make appt and next available was next Friday. I said; "What? This guy is in quarantine, I'm 21 wks pregnant with a persistent cough almost as long as he has had one and you want we to wait a week???" So she said she didnt know that, I could go to urgent care tonight or wait till morning as they were closing. Thanks for waiting til closing to call me... WTF. ???
  • I'm so sorry your going through all this! I'm 26 weeks and I would FLIP OUT if they wanted me to wait a week to be tested or anything! Maybe if you go to the er and let them know the situation as soon as you get there..maybe they could get you tested faster? Seems like they wouldn't just send you on your way cause what if you have it (god forbid) and it spreads cause no one took it seriously!?! That seems so stressful hun, I'm so sorry :( keep us posted and let us know what happens
  • I would go to er.. Call them first n notify them you have been exposed to tb and are caughing a lot and are pregnant. They will prep a room for you probably and have a mask for you when you get there. I hope all is well.
  • Yes u can catch it thru the air and drink or sharing anything coughing .. I have positive skin test TB took treatments for a year so it can't be airbourne n spreaded I gt it for someone we never. found out who gave it to me maybe someone coughed on me. At a store or soMething else in my family or friends had it
  • U can get a positive test just from exposure. Still have to take meds though. A skin test needs 48 hours to be read. Go to the er. The earlier treated the better. They can do a chest xray (covering ur abdomen of course )
  • I would go to er...its not something the office should take lightly. Plus you want the test started asap since it takes two days to read. Go to ER, your probably fine, but the sooner they start the test (just a needle poke under the skin) the sooner youb can stop worrying. Then if you do test positive you can let your OB know sooner too. So sorry your dealing w/ this hun!
  • Omg! Make sure you go first thing in the morning! I hope everything is ok. That's so scary! :(
  • @jellybelly1015 hope you and baby are fine. Any updates?
  • Week from HELLo... Sorry haven't been around. FB test ok, but I have to do test again Monday because I have horrible cough that is not going away. They say sometimes tests take a couple weeks to show. Ugh. The cough is Freaking me out, but it could be allergies. O_o hopefully not positive... But I should know for certain Wednesday this coming week. Until then they have me still at work and all. Not that it bothers me, but the whole issue of not knowing and if I am who am I exposing? Yeay!!! So, yeah, just really done with this and done with work and It is way to early for this!!!
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