Any other Oct not know the sex yet



  • I know if I couldn't get a 3d I would be telling someone a lie, maybe say your cramping or something, but then I would be worried something would go wrong @new2_this
  • I'm due oct 25 and I find out june 8
  • Lol true! @mschop that would worry my prego brain...I was talking to bf...and I think we gonna take that trip BC I wanna kno! Ill be almost 6months in 3weeks and I wanna go shopping..he jokingly said he doesn't wanna know he waited this I'm not gon tell him lol
  • im due 21s and wont know till 13th seems like forevever away.. so it looks like ill be the last oct mom to know :0(
  • I'm due Oct 18, and was praying for a boy. I have a 2 1/2 year ol little girl and a 10 yr old step daughter. We found out two weeks ago its a boy!!!!! Welcome Timothy William!
  • I'm due Oct 27 and I hopefully will find out on June 10th. Hubby and I are hoping for a girl but will be happy either way
  • Hey ladies, in due Oct 4th and I still don't know yet :( I went 3 weeks ago to find out and my pumpkin had their legs crossed.... so I go again the 9th...
  • Im due Halloween and find out Monday :-bd
  • @babynumbersix Awww yay lucky!! What are you hoping for?
  • How weird @alilboulding we are both due the 30th Nov and have our scans on the 13th!! Good luck!
    Us UK mums generally have to wait a bit longer than our American friends! I feel like one of the last to know too!
  • I want another boy... but im being selfish .. I have 4 boys and one girl... my baby girl could really use a sister, but boys are sooo much easier! (And cooler B-) )
  • I'm due the 16th and find out on Tuesday. Can't wait!
  • Am due oct 20th and got u/s tomorow, can't wait!!!
  • I'm due Oct 30th and I don't find out until June 15th. I am SUPER impatient!!!
  • Im due 21st Oct and finding out on mon the 6th June. And I cannot wait! ;;) Im hoping for a lil boy but deep down think its a princess ;-)
  • @mschop my sister and you have the same dd! congrats and my sis just found out today like 45 min ago!
  • @just_the_Auntie what is she having?
    Okay I may not be the last but there are only a few of us left that don't know
  • Due 4 Oct and dont know yet. Our anatomy us is on the 10th. I will be 23 weeks!
  • Due 10-11 but who knows when ill have her. Baby #2 girl :( and were on fence with csection or vbac. Prayin for vbac lol
  • Ugh, due 10/6 I thought I was the only that didn't know, had 2 ultrasounds 1st time baby had its back & butt towards my navel, last time it wouldn't open its legs, next appt on the 16th hoping we find out this time because I'm getting impatient!!
  • I shouldn't have known until yesterday but I cheated and found out May 14th...its a boy and it was confirmed yesterday.
  • @mschop its a little girl!:)
  • @littlenat86 ill keep ya (n everybody else) posted. I gotta call from the imaging center, they wanted to change my date to later in the week nn I was almost devastated! But then they moved it to the morning instead. Thank goodness.
  • I'm due Oct 6 and this will be the 3rd time lookin to see what my baby sex is... I'm hoping I can find out on the 7th.. I really wanna start shopping.. I'm gettin really impatient..
  • @Oct_babies having a shy baby must suck lol I want to shop too I saw I really cute pack and play with bassinet and changing taking and mobile, witch is what I want besides a crib, and it was $70. But it was blue so I can't get it until I know what I'm having
  • @Oct_babies having a shy baby must suck lol I want to shop too I saw I really cute pack and play with bassinet and changing taking and mobile, witch is what I want besides a crib, and it was $70. But it was blue so I can't get it until I know what I'm having
  • Im 18weeks & 5 days im due oct 30th I dont find out what im havin until june 15th im hoping for a girl. When did anyone.start feelin the baby kick?
  • @strawberri27 I started filling kicks at 18 weeks but it's only in the middle of the night and only if I'm laying on my side, so nothing regular yet
  • Due Oct 8th & havin a GIRL! :-)
  • I'm due October 24th and we are not finding out. It's a lot more fun this way!
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