Any other Oct not know the sex yet



  • @kteebeth there is no way I could do that its killing me now lol I'm sure it would be nice though. Is this your first?
  • I'm due Oct 20th & I found out today it's a BOY!
  • @strawberri27 I have the same due date and I just recently started feeling flutters n movement. I'm feeling some strange poking feeling, I think it's a kick but this is my first time around the block so I'm not 100% sure!
  • Congrats on the boy :-) @amberlynnoct20th
  • edited June 2011
    I went for my anatomical u/s today and the baby was hinding its parts :( doc said there's no indication to have another one, so I guess I have to pay to find out or wait until d-day :(
  • I thought that was part they have to make sure every thing is going okay there too and if they can't see they need to do another u/s @soon2bmomof2under2
  • @mschop really??? I need to call them back then! I was so disappointed :( I hope I can get another scan!
  • I'm not 100% sure on it but yea I would definitely call and ask if you can get another u/s @soon2bmomof2under2
  • @alilboulding I been also feelin little flutters & I also get a weird feelin I be wondering if its light kicks. This is my first pregnancy also so its certain things im not sure wit..
  • @mschop, no 2nd. We didn't find out with our first either. Best surprise ever!
  • i'm due 29th and dont have an ultrasound until the 16th im soo gutted, especially since so many people due in october have already had an ultrasound. cant wait though xx
  • We are due 10/25, and find out June 8 th... so 3 days can't wait
  • I find out TODAY...10AM. I TOO am PRAYING for a BOY
  • Just found out...Its a girl!!!!!
  • @44andpregnant congratulations!!! :-)
  • @mschop I called my OB and she said I won't need another ultrasound and that my insurance won't pay for another since there's no medical reason to have one...SOOOOOOO I made an appt for this Wednesday at one of those pregnancy spas for a gender u/s. $99 to put my mind at ease :)
  • @soon2bmomof2under2 oh that sucks, but at lest when you go to a pregnancy spa they will keep doing it till they find out
  • I'm due halloween and its a boy
  • Due the 24 and found out today its a boy
  • Due the 24th with a girl! Olivia Marie
  • Yay, I just found out today its a girl for sure!! Her name will be Emily Grace!
  • Due the 2nd, found out at 19w its a girl! I'm 23w now and have another u/s tomorrow, I may have partial placenta pervia and they didn't get enough pics of get heart.
  • I had my ultrasound today and its a boy, but they found out I have complete placenta previa and also baby was breach so couldn't really get good shots of the heart eather and boyfriend and others on his side of family have heart troubles. So I go back July 5th. Keep me updated on how everything goes and fingers crossed the placenta previa has cleared up @little1cashew
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