Massage from boyfriend...

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
He always half asses it. How can I tell him to or make him do it better? I asked for one tonight, fixing to tell him I want it now. And no, he gets nothing in return, I had a harder day and made him dinner :)


  • My hubby NEVER does it right either.. he always does it waaayyy to hard, and it just hurts more.. and he'll only do it for, like, five seconds.. ugh, its horrible!
  • My ex never did it right... so I'm now married to someone who can lol lol lol
  • Mine does it right..the hard part is getting him to do it tho! Lol
  • He half assed it.. of course. It only annoys me more when he does, it'd be better if he didn't do it at all.. I love him, but damn!
  • Its a pain in the ass to try to get mine to do it he has to be in a really good mood and see that I really don't feel well...but we all know what guys expect in return! Lol and at 9 months prego I am not in the mood for any of that stuff! :P haha!
  • Okay I know we are all pregnant and want to be massaged, but what worked for me was giving my husband a massage and massaging the way I wanted him to massage me. Then immediately said "now will you massage me" since what he felt was fresh on his mind he was able to mimic it without me telling him "you're doing it wrong" and ticking him off. So maybe you ladies can try this... hope it works for you too!
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