Crazy Dreams!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I know this is normal with pregnancy, but I have been dreaming THE absolute weirdest things everr. For example, last night I dreamed my soon to be husband (who doesn't have a mean bone in his body) started cheating, and told me he was not going to let me leave him. Now, me being the person I am, stood up to him. Then he beat the crap outta me, and left. When I woke up, I still thought I was in the dream, that's how real it seemed! Lol. It's kinda funny now (okay really funny) but when it happened I could have cried!


  • I had a dream just last night where I took my daughter to get her hair trimmer (she's 4 and has NEVER gotten a haircut) and the stylist chopped off about 4 inches and then insisted we needed to pick a style. I got mad and insisted that he needed to blend the chunks he turned her hair into and that if he cut it any shorter I would chase him with his scissors! That's the funniest one I've had; most of the weird pregnancy dreams I've had so far are very sad.
  • I love having crazy dreams! Last night I had some kinda erotic, serial killer with a clown mask dream lol. Everyone was either dying or gettin laid. I never had sex dreams before I got pregnant and now its almost a nightly thing (haha not that im complaining ;-) )
  • I dreamed my husband was cheating and I walked in on it and the mystery slut stabbed it was so real I woke up and cussed my husband out. He said no more chocolate ice cream before bed.
  • b4 i knew i was pregnant i kept having dreams about my husband talking or sleeping with some new girl. i would cry in my sleep and wake up mad at him. one time i woke up n slapped him in the head lol. he swears hes not doing anything then come to find out i was having crazy dreams cuz im pregnant lol
  • I had a crazy dream that my bf had come up stairs but I knew it was impossible because I had just come out the room with him. It was a demon look-a-like. I woke up breathing heavy... it was too real. :O
  • I keep dreaming about having twin boys!!! Lol I am only in my 10th week and have my first ultrasound on friday! I am just dying to find out if there r 2 baby's in there! Lol then I can maybe let it go! Lol
  • @rockinmomma the same thing happens to me! I NEVER dreamed anything sexual before, but now it's a regular thing. My fiancee' has even said I've made noises in my sleep. Lately my sex drive has been crazy, I want it all day every day, and I think that's got something to do with these sex dreams.

    @newmommy_navywife that's hilarious! After I told my fiancee' about these dreams of him cheating, he insists on telling me where he's at every 5 minutes. Lol. I know he isn't doing anything, but I think it made him nervous. Haha.

    And everyone else.. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with dreams THIS crazy! This app is an awesome way to keep myself from feeling like a looney!
  • @newmommy yah my husband thinks it hilarious.
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