

  • I have the same kind of dog! It toke 2 years to really train my dog. They are very hard to deal with! But at the end it was worth it. Shes my cuddle buddy when my hubbys at work
  • I'm sorry your having a hard time with your husband and your dog. I support your decision to fiind a new home for a dog, and if you can't there are no kill shelters out there. When I got pregnant with my first child I had a beautiful dalmation and I thought I would never give her up, but well she became very jealous of my daughter so I had to give her away. I do feel bad for the dog, but babies come first. As for your husband well I can't believe he is being such a jerk, especially over a dog on your anny. You can get another animal later when the baby is a little older (which is what I did and it worked out better in the long run).
  • @Leggs2011, that's how my husband is, I have a cat and ever since I've been pregnant he has been cleaning it out. And then he waits till its really stinky to clean it and complains. And he is like, if the dog goes my cat goes. I can't have that. He don't realize we can get a dog that WE both like and easy to train and stays trained!! Instead of it being a constant battle. And he sheds like crazy, so I don't like ppl picking him up, cuz he is only 7lbs so everyone want to pick him up, helloe I am the one that cleans, so I shaved him to slove that and my hubby hates that. @Proudmommy8789, my husbands dog is not alould on the bed cuz he has shit on MY side twice.
  • @kalikojenie, that's what I'm saying, but he is like NO!!! I don't no what to do.
  • Is he fixed? Cause my other dog was a pain in the ass until I got him fixed plus spanking worked with him
  • @Proudmommy8789, no he is not, my husband wants to have him"get it in" b4 he does, which is stupid, no he ain't going to get another dog pregnant jus so he can experience it. I sooo badly want to get him fixed, but he won't allow it. I have told him it wud prolly solve a lot of these behavior problems that he is having, and so that we might not have to get rid of him, but still he is like NO!
  • @Proudmommy8789, also I have spanked him sooooo many times, and nope it don't work, tried spry bottle, hot sauce, absolutly nothing!! Putting him on lock down, nope nothing
  • Okay now your husband is being retarted! He has to meet you half way if he doesnt want to give the dog away! You should get him fixed anyways and not tell him until he sees the dog with a cone around his neck!! It toke my dog about 3 months after getting fixed to start behaving
  • I agree if he isn't willing to meet you halfway with a dog, what is he going to be like with your son?
  • @wiseccourt oh I know right where that bregaid is. By the 24 hr shopette! Its close to my husbands bragaid! What a small world! We should meet up when u come back.
  • I might jus do that. Schedule an appoint b4 we leave to fort carson to get him fixed. He won't meet me half way, he feels his dogs balls is what makes him. And it pisses me off! How much does it cost
  • It depends where you go. You should call the spca or humain(sp?) Scoity(sp?). I suck at spelling sorry
  • @mandac10 you should add me on face book courtney corteal lol
  • So its resulted to me sleeping in the spare bedroom. I'm not going to sleep with someone who chooses a dog over his WIFE!! This is where ima sleep for the next couple of nights.
  • Try a shock collar. N do u discipline the dog after it pees or poops, like rubbing its face in it n spanking it, n then putting it out side. Some people don't think its right to do that but I did it with my dogs and they don't pee or poop in my house. And a lot of people think that dogs don't know what they did if u catch it a while later but my dogs do, u can tell cuz if u ask them what it is they will put their ears back n run away from u, if it wasn't them then they will just sniff it n look at me. Idk just some things that I have noticed with my dogs. But if u can afford a shock collar try that... it was the only thing to make my husky quit digging and huskys are stubborn!
  • @ssetty6000, yes I have done that ever since he was a puppy, I make sure he smells it also. Still he sneaks off to do it, I want a shock collar, but my husband say hell effen NO!! He says if I get one that cats does 2. He won't work with me, I'm scarred to get rid of him, cuz my husband will get rid of my cat. I can't have that. All becauz of a effen dog, I'm sleeping in our spare bedroom on an air matress for the next couple of nights cuz of this !! Idk what to do, I'm devastated :'(
  • Well I hope this doesn't offend u... but it sounds to me like ur husband needs a good ol slap upside the head. My husband n I faught bout our dog a few times during my preg. N I told him if he couldn't take care of his dog then it was gone... n I meant what I said so he has def. Picked up the slack. Ur husband needs to realize that if he can't even take care of it... how r u supposed to b able to when baby arrives? And why should u be expected to... as gross as it sounds maybe when he is home u should leave the dogs poo n pee for him to clean up so that he realizes how much of a pain in the ass it is... quit doing it n maybe he will get th
  • @ssetty6000, well I do all the cooking and cleaning cuz he works and I don't, and when I was gone for 2 weeks he saw how his dog acted and he cudnt take it, I had to leave early to come home and have the house back in order. Ne no's how hard it is. But its seems to have died down cuz I make it look so easy. I jus have a feeling that he will get a BIG reality check when our son is born in a couple of weeks, that he is gonna be like, hun u were right. And we'll find a home for him, I no his buddy that's getting outta the army absolutly loves our dog, even holds him like a baby. Hopefully he can jus have him. Fingers crossed
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