baby's gender. help!!

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
I got my gender ultrasound at about 19 weeks and the tech seen two white lines and said its a baby girl! Im very excited either way but I've been reading that their still can be a chance its a boy because with girls there should be three white lines?!? Has anyone had this same prob and later found out please let me know what you think. I'm ready to start shopping but a little scared


  • Id say wait til next ultrasound just to be sure.
  • I'd wait if I were you. I never saw any lines--it was always very clearly a penis with my boys, but it would stink to go out and buy stuff and then have to return it.
  • I'm not sure if they do another one for sure ill have to ask at my next doc appointment. I mean they had no problem telling me girl I even showed my doc and he said girl but I have a gut feeling they may be wrong
  • I agree with @magcaw just wait it out or go to a private place sooner than ur next appointment just to clarify it.
  • They're right b cuz for a boy its very noticeable u can see the little balls and the little poker..(lol excuse my language)..u should Google gender ultrasound pics and compare!
  • If its a turtle, its a boy. If its a hamburger its a girl.. Hehe.. worked for me! I have 5 turtles and 1 hamburger!
  • @babynumbersix yes lol that's what the ultrasound tech said to me she said look there's your hamburger
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