Bleeding after sex.....

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Hi all! I am due October 4th my husband and I just got married in December and got pregnant right away with our first. We had sex and there was a really light pink blood when I wiped, no cramping or anything. From what I've read its normal but I just want to be sure! Please let me know.... thank you and good luck to everyone


  • I'm due oct 6th a few weeks ago I had dark brown spotting and it was nothing. Unles it gets worse and your cramp real bad then nothing to worry about if your to worried you can go to the er or doctor and get your hcg level checked
  • I asked my doctor about it. Your cervix is shut tight and it has more blood vessels now. When you have sex, the head of the penis bumps against your cervix and some of the blood vessels break. Totally normal.
  • Thanks ladies! I am really terrified that I will have a miscarriage and then that happened. It's just scary even if it is normal and I don't have my first appt until March 8th. Thanks again
  • edited February 2011
    @mamitorres That happened to me and my doc says I was threatening a misscarriage he told me no sex and no heavy lifting untill things seem clear of misscarriage hope this helps
  • It happened to me we had sex before we went to sleep and when I woke up I was bleeding and bled into my pajama pants and I went into my doctors office and she said to take it easy drink water and put my feet up and later that day I passed a big clot and called she just said my cervix was bruised from having sex and the blood vessels busted it was scary and I am now almost 18 weeks and evrything is perfect!
  • I dnt want to scare u but that happened to me the last time I was pregnant and first the doc told me no sex for 2 weeks...I waited a month tried it again n I started bleeding again decided to go to the er again they told me everything was OK it just happens some time....tried it again the next week and I end up having a now I'm pregnant and I'm avoiding sex all together :-(....u should b fine just don't have very rough sex
  • It happened to me twice with my first. try using a position where you have more control of how deep the penetration is. Doggy style seems to work best for me.
  • Jersey mom if u dont mind me askkng how far along were u when u had ur miscarriage? I have been a worry wort i google everyhing bc sine i found out i was prego, i had bleeding after sex.. im 23 weeks prego now. But all the way back to 8 wks i had minimal spotting its really just during sex n then afterwards i dont have much .. i have passed tissue it looked like a few times too.. but i had tols my dr from the beginning n they said it could just be from the cervix n it bein more sensitive.. or somethin else bad. I was so bothered bx its like they dont have a definitr answer for me ya kno.. but i had ultrasounds done to check n everything is fine. So i dont know why i bleed??
  • My doc told me not to have sex until after the first trimester. I had a miscarriage before and am a bit of high-risk and a worry wart... im waiting...
  • If it helps at all I freak out really easy and this has happened to me and I've ran to the er more then once and bottom line if its not heavy, no cramps and no clots ur good to Dr had to like pound this in my head
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