Well, Andrew Preston was born at 10:10 pm on 6/7/11. He's happy, healthy, and long--20.4 inches, 7.6 lbs! I got to 5 centimeters, contractions were 1 min apart, got my epidural as planned at that point, and my poor man got stuck. He was in an unfavorable position, and they threatened me with a C-section twice. I was determined to deliver vaginally and tried everything they told me. I progressed, so did he. I pushed and pushed for 2 hours and 10 minutes after 16 hourse of active labor. He was anterior (sunny-side-up) but I got him out the old fashioned way! The nurses were awesome, and my husband and mom were there with every push. Man, it was so cool! He came out facing the world!!! And I got to watch the whole thing in a mirror. Wow! Thanks for all your encouragement, dear Preglys! So many of you have helped me in so many ways! Drew is breastfeeding like a champ, btw. Time to sleep. Muah!
Thanks so much everyone! To everyone who's been there, is venturing there, has adopted, has lost, is ttc, has needed a surrogate, has been a surrogate, holy crap--we can do anything! God bless all of you! (And to anyone I forgot.) Let's raise a metophorical glass, cheers!!!! (*)