I'm due July 15th, sometimes I feel a little flutter but nothing to know for sure. I can't wait to find out my gender and to already have him or her here.
My due date is july 28th and I have already felt my little one move twice. 1st time was a small flutter. A week later it felt like a small fish swimming in there. It only lasted 15 sec. Now 4 days later and haven't felt it since.
I'm due the 20th of July and I felt my baby. I put my hand on my tummy pushed a little and waited and felt it move so amazing , I really want to know what I'm having but I have to wait to 11th march, Anyone have any boy name suggestions we all think I'm having a boy and I really am stuck I liked Nate but my other doesn't lol
Anyone have any boy name suggestions
I liked Nate but my other doesn't