
edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok how is it possible to have heartburn when you haven't eaten.. ugh this sucks


  • I get it no matter what I eat, but if I don't eat it is way worse! I keep ice on hand at all times and crunch the crap out of it all day!
  • Have you drank anything? Liquids can cause heartburn too :(
  • Water usually makes heart burn worse, or atleast doesn't do anything to help, milk and any dairy products, works like magic for me
  • I think remedies may be diffrent for everyone. Milk makes it way worse for me. But yogurt usually helps. Water makes it worse, but the ice really helps. I eat about 6 tums a day though too....
  • I haven't eaten or drank anything because of how bad it is. Although a glass of milk does sound good
  • I feel like my asophagus never closes and my throat and mouth are always acidity
  • Omg! I didn't know ice cream helped. I need to send somebody to the store immediately....... Wait I'm home by myself :(
  • My doc told me to try Zantac... that worked for about a month, then stopped. Now she has me trying PepcidAC & so far so good... but I know they can prescribe something if that stops working. Tums were always plenty with my first, but this time it's been out of control! :(
  • Oh, did I forget how bad the indigestion is.
  • Milk products tums not lying down completely flat all can help.
    I git put on drugs that decrease the amount of acid my tummy makes and its really helped.
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