(≧ヘ≦) Feeling Disgusting

I am nearing my birthweight with my first and I'm getting paranoid about my significant other having wandering eyes. I've been feeling huge and completely repulsive. It didn't help the last time we had sex, he turned out the lights. I felt he did this so he didn't have to look at me.

This could all be my mind working on over drive or the fact that I'm increasingly feeling more and more unattractive. Please tell me, my fellow preglys, that I am not alone... :[


  • Ur beautiful, ur carrying a life inside of u. We all feel a lil fat at times but it two of u. I never get mad ( even b4 pregnancy ) when hubby look, its healthy n he's suppose to as long as he's not being disrespectful. U don't want him looking @ a man do u. Lol
  • edited June 2011
    He's done it before actually -_-

    I don't care if he isn't breaking his neck to get a peek. However, I feel like I should recieve and deserve the same treatment because of what my body is doing for us. Maybe I'm just expecting too much out of him but mama needs love and affection too. :(
  • I look and feel huge and I'm 21w..& my boyfriend don't help at all by making fun of me most of the time :'( guys are mean .

    But it could be that he don't like the lights on while having sex.. I hate it lol well unless you usually do it with the lights on?

    I say to just talk to him about it. And no, your not alone. But you just got to remember that being pregnant is a beautiful thing even though we can't see it other people do, were actually carrying a life inside and even though we gain weight and look ugly some days were still beautiful and if he can't see that then he's not even worth it :)
  • He makes fun of you? How rude. Mine made fun of me once when I was in a real bad mood...he shaped up real quickly that day.

    I usually don't like the lights on but I'm pregnant now he's witnessed me puking and pissing myself on the toilet at the same time so I figured what the hell. He.usually tries to do it with the lights on, which is why I got so offended. When I mentioned it, he just blew me off. Complete turn off.

    Lol, I think pregnancy is cute to an extent. Both of my pregnancies have been awful and disgusting. And I really don't like the look and feel of something moving around inside of me, makes me feel like a victim in one of those Alien movies. I do love the outcome though. My daughter is my pride and joy and I still cannot fathom how I created her.
  • Yeah :'( but nothing too bad I guess he just makes me feel extra fat which sucks because he made me this way lol I honestly think that he is tryna get my confidence down so I don't leave him or something.. but other than that he is the most best boyfriend in the universe and I love him to death and wouldn't think about leaving his stupid self .

    Ohh okay I see.. hmm.. I say talk to him about it and when he blows you off then blow him off and don't talk to him until he answers the reason why he makes you feel disgusting or makes you feel like he doesn't want you anymore. That's what I would do but then again its really up to you .

    Omg I know exactly what you mean :) at first I was freaking out about when she kicks me kuz I don't like bugs or worms or any of that and that's what it reminds me of Lol but now I completely love it kuz I know that's my daughter and she's growing and stuff <3 lol
  • I totally understand u girls :( I am going through the same thing.
  • Sparkle: start making fun of him, guys do eventually catch up on pregnancy side effects too. :p

    I tried to talk to him but he doesn't seem or want to understand and tells me I'm just being paranoid and stuff. It doesn't really help that he's cheated on me close to 5 times during the start of our relationship and had me as the other woman for the little bit of time before that or that we broke up in Jan for a few months which he took the liberty to turn my friend against me to knock boots witj her friend and her friends friend... he claims to have grown up since then but that stuff is constantly running through my mind and I feel the need to mentally prepare myself for whatever the future holds. Little boys are stupid sometimes while young and don't mature fast enough and young he and I are. :((

    Lol, never said I loved it. I actually hate the kicking. It's an inconvenience for me since I'm a very tiny person. I'd rather be kicked on the outside than in the lungs and from behind the ribs lol.
  • KareNLove, as always its up to us girls. If we want somethin done and done right, we have to do it ourselves. No wonder we were intrusted to do all the hard work in life. :p all we need is to feel loved, adored, and stuff and they can't, obviously, do that right either. :(
  • @Threefatsamurai

    LOl I'm going to make fun of him alllll day today ;)

    Omggg.. he sounds like a meanie .. I would feel feel the same way you do, I despise cheaters and I know what you mean about it constantly running through your mind, have you cheated on him back? Maybe he needed a lesson.. and the whole friend thing.. wow .

    Aww Lol ill probably feel that way when I'm farther along but I'm kinda excited for it :)
  • I have not. I didn't like the way it felt and wouldn't put anyone through it. Karma will make things better. I practice a Buddhist life style so if I try to stay calm and positive, I should be okay. This is just a stressful time for me.

    Idk I can't wait to be done. I really don't like pregnancy. Its very uncomfortable for me. I can't wait to take care of my baby when she's outside versus hurting me from the inside :p
  • I know what you mean . Well that's good you think that way if it was me I would've cheated a long time ago and shown him how it felt. But thankfully my baby hasn't cheated on me.

    Awww lol when are you due.?
  • I feel ya :( the scale said 170 yesterday, which is 4 more pounds than what I should ber cuz I haven't been at home for a week... Talk about cry my eyes out! Im 23 weeks and I'm massive :(
  • Sparkle: September 3rd. :) good for him. That's always a plus.

    Sunshine, put on body OILS once a day and when you have the baby, you should snap right back. I'm 28 weeks now and nearing 150 which is my birth weight with my first. I did that routine daily and I kid you not, the day after I had her, I lost all that blood, water, placenta and baby weight and was 120 after everything said and done.

    I know we feel huge and need a bit of help being reminded of our beauty but in reality, if you're taking good care, most of the weight is liquids. :)
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