edited February 2011 in High risk pregnancy
Iam almost 16 wks w l my 2nd. I developed preaclampsia w l my son about 8 months. Wuz on COMPLETE bed rest (on left side. Could only get up to eat, bathe, or use the bthroom) had a emergency csection bcus of my blood pressure. I wounde up switchin drs bcus my old one retired. Iam now seeing a new dr..i like himm..hes very nice && imformative. Iam considered high risk but only bein seen every 4 weeks instead of every 2 now dat im in my 2nd trimester!? Any advice on wat i should do or say to my dr?! I mean i trust him but this jus seems weird to me!! Thanx!!


  • Have you had any complications so far with this one?
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  • I was high risk with my first and now with this preganacy. I am also in 2 nd trimester and go every 4 weeks. I have the same doctor he said as long everything is going okay now we wont do every 2 weeks.
  • Sounds right unless your having complications they dont wanns c u n if you are book an appt I'm 26 weeks na they only wanns see me every.6weeks but I'm low risk
  • Im highrisk but I only see my Obgyn once a month I also see a Perinatal Specialist once a month and get a monthly ultrasound....i would just ask why ? It will probally make you feel better.
  • Iam not havin any complications az of yet. But i thought when yu got in yur second trimester yu go erry 2 wks && in yur 3rd once a week?! Dats how my other dr did it. I liked it dat way jus in case anythong happend i could tell him @ my nxt visit..instead of calling && having to b "squeezed" in && waiy foreva!! Im going to ask him tho. I dnt go baq til march 4th so ima ask him them. Thanx ladies!!
  • Yah i was high risk until my second trimester with my last one. When i went into my third trimester, they ran a bunch of tests and decided i was no longer high risk.
  • I had preaclampsia && my dr said most likely i will hav it w l dis pregnancy && it mite come earlier on so he wuz gonna keep an eye on me
  • I'm high risk for risk of iugr. My Dr don't start watching the pregnancy closely until about 28 weeks. I still every 4 weeks and all the normal tests done.
  • I had to switch doctors w/ this pregnancy due to my insurance changing & I was not happy. I just called today & switched to a different doctor & hospital because the one I've been seeing since the beginning of my pregnancy is a complete nut job. I found out after my 1st appt that I had an underactive thyroid & since I started the medicine I was losing weight like crazy. He had me come in every week for 8 weeks just to weigh me. He never examined me, ordered an ultrasound, or tried to listen to a heartbeat. The first visit in Dec I told him I was having horrible stomach pain. Since this is my 3rd pregnancy I know what normal aches & pains are & what's not. He didn't try to figure out what the pain was or how to treat it. 3 weeks ago I went in to be weighed once again & due to the fact that I'd lost another 4lbs in 7 days he sent me to the hospital & admitted me for 23 hour hold. Tried to get me a pic line IV which you're sent home with because he was convinced that I was malnourished & starving myself. I tried to explain to the nurses the entire time I was there that I was fine & it was my medicine causing the weight loss. At 10am I got my room & was supposed to have an IV started right away. They didn't give it to me until 6pm & the entire time I was there wouldn't let me eat or drink anything. I was like WTF? I'm pregnant, in pain & now you're starving me. Finally I was allowed to have liquids around 7. Well when my midnight nurse came in to check on me she realized that my IV had never been turned on!!! I was in the hospital for 14 hours before I got it turned on. I was supposed to be discharged at 9am. I was there until almost 8pm & come to find out all my bloodwork came back normal & I wasn't even dehydrated!! I'm in so much pain & my doctor doesn't give a crap. I had lots of other issues while I was in the hospital as well w/ one of the nurses so I refuse to deliver my child there.
  • I see an ob and a high risk ob and I saw the high risk every for weeks but now in my second trimester I saw him at 18 wks and not again until 28 wks for another scan...
  • I saw my dr last 2 wks ago...(14wks) he told me my bloodwork wuz fine && blood pressure wuz fine. I dnt c him again til march 4th (18wks) maybe he thinks im ok enough to wait 4 wks.? Idk. I hav been ok...but iam still considered high risk bcus of my preaclampsia. My new dr is really nice..very imformative..answers questions..da staff can use work but otha den dat...its fine. I love my hospital..i will b delivering the same place i delivered my son && iam very happy!! :)
  • I'm high risk too, and only saw my doctor once a month until about 26 weeks, then I started nonstress tests twice a week. Relax and be grateful that you're still in the chill phase, and if later on s/he still doesn't want you to come in more often either demand it or find another doctor (preferably in the same office since they have your history my experience switching doctors within one office doesn't offend anyone...they all want you to feel comfortable).
  • Yea...i said that to myself also. Bout bein grateful..which i very much am! I havent jad any problems so im not questioning anything rite now. && hes the only dr in that office. Its his office. So if i wuz to switch it would b to a completely diff doctor. Thanx!! :)
  • This is your life and ur pregnancy. If u wld feel more comfortable going every two weeks you shld tell him. Its better to be safe then sorry.
  • I have a 2 vessel cord and am 25 weeks. They see me and do an ultrasound every 4 weeks. Everything is great and my boy is growing fine. Try not to worry too much about how often you are seen. In a high risk pregnancy, worry will just stress you and the baby!
  • No when u get to about 30 weeks u go every two weeks then at 36 weeks u go every two
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