When she dropped their daughter back off I was in her way of even seeing our son.. Which he was asleep and I told them to be quiet a soon as they walked in the door.. She randomly brought her sister and uncle in our house
@angieahrens I hate when I find out I wad uninvited too. She kept trying to look around me to see him. And yeah she did she feels the need to show off MY son...
@angieahrens she just kept staring at me like I was doing something wrong.. She is super jealous of me.. Some has to do with me and him are getting married and us having a baby but also bc im 21 and she's 30 she hates it.. She freaked when she found out I was 18 when me and him got together. I love his daughter she is so sweet.
@angieahrens who knows.. She got super mad when he said something about the pictures on her facebook.. And then got madder when she saw where I told a friend we have talked about having one more kid later on if we are financially stable enough.. It was on one of my maternity pics.